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Special Project Grants Program in the US

Special Project Grants Program

Deadline: 1-Sep-22

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana Foundation’s (BCBSLA) Special Project Grants Program is now open to support organizations that are looking to increase their community impact. They may focus on any number of issues affecting Louisiana’s health, or well-being.

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana Foundation is committed to making ongoing investments in the work of partners who have made a demonstrated impact on the health and wellbeing of Louisianans. These grants will help the established partners further their important work on behalf of Louisianians in need.

Projects may focus on any number of issues that affect Louisiana’s health and wellbeing.They give preference to projects pursuing innovative ideas, as well as projects that reach new and diverse communities.

Specifically, these grants are meant to help organizations:
Complete an existing project previously funded by the Foundation; or
Strategically expand current efforts or implement new efforts based on a clear evidence of need and solid data.
The ideal Special Projects grant project is:
Serving a clearly defined need within the community
Building on the success of a past grant project with the Blue Cross Foundation
Properly staffed by an organization with capacity to complete the proposed project
Designed to make an impact on Louisiana communities over the long term
Able to communicate the values and impact of the Foundation within the community served
Funding Information

Amount – Up to $100,000
Length – One year
Eligibility Criteria

To be considered for any Foundation Grant, your organization must:
Be designated a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization by the IRS.
The Foundation only gives to nonprofit organizations working for charitable, religious, scientific, literary and other organizations under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3).
Be registered and in good standing with the Louisiana Secretary of State.
All organizations must be up-to-date on their filings with the Louisiana Secretary of State.
Be domiciled in Louisiana
The Foundation only makes gifts to organizations who are based in Louisiana and working for the welfare of Louisianians.
For more information, visit