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Small Grants Program in Brunei

Small Grants Program in Brunei

Deadline: 9-May-22

The Public Affairs Section of U.S. Embassy in Brunei Darussalam is pleased to announce a funding opportunity through its Small Grants Program.

Environment – Projects that support environmental preservation and conservation awareness, including awareness of climate change mitigation and adaptation
Civic Education – Projects that support shared values, ideals, or rights; promotion of innovation and U.S. higher education
Civil Society Development – Projects that support open, inclusive and diverse societies; capacity building of civil society organizations to address areas of concern for the Bruneian people
Culture and Arts – Projects that support culture with a direct connection to the United States, including arts and performances
Journalism – Projects that support best practices and excellence in journalism, combating disinformation, enhancing media literacy. Examples include programs that support investigative journalism and/or strengthen media and civil society organizations’ ability to counter disinformation
Entrepreneurship / Innovation / Digital Economy – Projects that support innovative practices, entrepreneurship training, business skills, use of technology (e.g., using U.S. models), new U.S-Brunei partnerships and opportunities for startup companies, social impact investment, an open and dynamic digital economy; and more diverse and inclusive economic growth
COVID-19 Recovery – Projects that support or assist local nonprofits with organizational needs identified in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Programs that bolster the long-term sustainability and resilience of local non-profit organizations.
Funding Information
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis for small grants of up to a maximum of US$30,000.

Eligibility Criteria
Grants or Cooperative Agreements support non-profit, non-governmental organizations from all over Brunei Darussalam to implement innovative initiatives that support key priorities of the United States Government.

Please note that Embassy grants cannot be used to fund religious organizations or partisan political activity; individual trips abroad; trade activities; fundraising campaigns; humanitarian aid; commercial projects; scientific research; projects whose primary aim is the institutional development and operational costs of the organization; or representational expenses (lunch, alcoholic beverages, flowers etc.). The Embassy also cannot give grants to commercial firms/ for-profit firms.

For more information, visit