Small Grants Program for Vulnerable Groups Mobilization in Moldova
Deadline: 30-Jul-21
UNDP is calling for proposals for the Small Grants Program for Vulnerable Groups Mobilization on the left bank of the Nistru river.
The Joint UN Program “Support for Human Rights on Both Banks of the Dniester” is implemented by the UN Office in the Republic of Moldova, with financial support from Sweden, in partnership with civil society organizations, decision-makers and professionals from both banks of the Dniester.
The program intends to promote commitment to human rights-based reforms in general and in respect of the rights of people with disabilities, children, Roma, people living with or affected by HIV, prisoners and prisoners, vulnerable women and children and the rights of drug users, in particular by promoting diversified cooperation, knowledge sharing and development based on best practices on both banks of the Dniester.
To achieve this goal, the Joint UN Program “Support for Human Rights on Both Banks of the Dniester” is launching the 3rd round of a small grants program open to civil society organizations registered on the right bank of the Dniester or on both banks.
The term of implementation of projects financed under this grant competition should not exceed 6 months.The program aims to strengthen cooperation between organizations on both banks of the Dniester, including through the Platform.
In this regard, one of the fi ate her program is to strengthen the institutional and administrative capacity of the Platform for sustainability (community) development (hereinafter Platform), its members and partners.
In this context, the Program will consolidate the capacities of its beneficiaries and partner organizations to ensure their sustainability and independence, using a human rights-based approach (HRBA) and gender sensitivity.
Ensuring the sustainability of actions taken by NGOs, members of the Platform for Sustainable (Community) Development, within the framework of grants for community mobilization to promote social and economic participation of vulnerable groups on the left bank of the Dniester;
Social inclusion of vulnerable groups (above) through the development of social services at the community level, including (but not limited to), legal and psychological support, economic empowerment, including assistance in employment and employment;
Raising awareness of human rights in general and the rights of vulnerable groups in particular, and developing and implementing aviation campaigns to combat stigma and discrimination
Funding Information
The total amount available for this grant competition is 25,000 (twentieth s five thousand) dollars USA.
The maximum amount requested must not exceed 5,000 ( five thousand) US dollars per grant.
Eligibility Criteria
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Commandez MaintenantThe project proposal is intended to reflect the priority problem in the implementation of human rights of one of the vulnerable groups at the community level: people with disabilities, victims of gender-based violence, children in contact with the law, Roma, people living with HIV or affected by HIV, prisoners, drug users.
Proposals must take into account the environmental sustainability of projects.
The pitcher must be registered on the right bank or both. In the case of a consortium and, on the right bank must be registered at least one member of the consortium.
Proposals submitted by the consortium should clearly delineate the roles and responsibilities of each organization.
Grant applicants are members of the Platform for (Community) Sustainable Development or, in the case of a consortium, cooperate with members of the Platform under this grant.
The application aims to ensure the sustainability of a grant provided by the UN Joint Program “Support for Human Rights on Both Banks of the Dniester”, with financial support from Sweden, implemented between November 2020 and July 31, 2021.
The application must take into account the restrictions associated with the coronavirus pandemic:
should include measures to reduce the risk of the spread of COVID-19 infection and the impact of the pandemic on vulnerable groups
at least some of the events are scheduled online.
Grants providing for the implementation of at least 25% of activities on the right bank of the Dniester will have priority when considering an application.
Application Process
The application package must contain the following documents:
Application form (which will include the requested budget and the project implementation schedule), filled in Russian, Romanian or English. Handwritten forms will not be accepted;
A copy of the registration certificate confirming that the applicant is a registered legal entity on the right bank of the Dniester. In the case of a consortium, at least one consortium member must be registered on the right bank;
A copy of the partnership agreement signed by all interested parties;
CV of the project manager and team members involved in the project implementation process (drawn up in a single format for the entire team);
If possible, a brief overview of the activities of the organization submitting the application ;
Other relevant material as needed to enhance UN credibility of the applicant and to complement the project rationale.
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