Small Grants for CSOs working on Peacebuilding, Conflict Resolution, and the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda (Ethiopia)

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Small Grants for CSOs working on Peacebuilding, Conflict Resolution, and the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda (Ethiopia)

Deadline: 18-Jan-22

UN Women is offering small grants to support organizational development of civil society organizations working in the area of peacebuilding, conflict resolution and the women, peace, and security agenda under the “Strengthening the institutional capacity of duty-bearers and empowering rights-holders for the advancement of gender equality and women’s empowerment in Ethiopia” project implemented by UN Women.

By strengthening CSOs working in peacebuilding and conflict resolution, UN Women aims to support the promotion and implementation of the WPS agenda and the effective participation of women in conflict prevention, resolution, and peace building to create a cohesive, just, inclusive and democratic society. CSOs play a critical role in implementing the WPS agenda, and with strengthened capacity, they can more strategically develop evidence-based programs and advocate for and participate in the development of a WPS NAP that is responsive to the needs of women and girls around the country.

Funding Information
The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) Ethiopia County Office plans to award small grants to eligible Civil Society Organizations in the range of USD 2,500 to USD 30,000.

Eligible Activities
The applicant may apply for a small grant to cover the following activities:

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introducing and improving organizational systems, tools, and processes;
training of the workforce in technical and managerial skills; and,
supporting with equipment such as copiers, scanners, printers, laptops and computers as long as the cost of such equipment is limited to 30% of the proposed small grant budget or USD 5,000, whichever is lower. The purpose of Small Grants is not to finance the delivery of a programmatic or project activity.
There is no geographical limitation regarding the applicants’ location and base of operation.
The implementation of the Small Grant must be completed within 8 months after signing the Small Grant Agreement for the purposes of this call.
The CSOs awarded with Small Grants will benefit from further capacity development support, experience sharing, networking, dialogue, solidarity and coalition-building activities organized by UN Women.
Eligibility Criteria
The applicants must be a civil society organization legally established and operating in Ethiopia. To be considered for the small grant, the CSO must demonstrate that it works on peace and security and conflict resolution in Ethiopia with a proven track record of working on one of the areas of the Women Peace and Security Agenda, i.e. Prevention, Protection, Participation and Post-Conflict Relief or Recovery.
The applicant may apply if it:
is a registered CSO in operation for at least three years;
is not on the Consolidated UN Security Council Sanctions List;
is not being investigated for fraud, corruption, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation or other wrongdoing;
has not had funding received from UN Women entirely or partly written off by UN Women;
is not currently engaged as an Implementing Partner (IP) or Responsible Party (RP) for UN Women;
has not been engaged as an IP/RP for UN Women at any time after 21 November 2019;
is not a government entity;
is not a UN organization;
is not an established CSO with the capacity to be engaged as an IP/RP;
has sufficient capacity to collaborate with various stakeholders;
has sufficient financial stewardship, including having adequate financial policies and procedures in place to manage the small grant; and,
UN Women has deemed performance satisfactory (if it has received small grants previously or been engaged as an IP/RP).
For the purpose of this advertisement, applicants are encouraged to demonstrate in their application their organizational approach to the principles of leaving no one behind and in addressing intersecting forms of vulnerabilities (women with disabilities, rural women, migrant women, internally displaced women etc.)

For more information, visit

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