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Save the Children recruits 01 Awards Coordinator


Save the Children recruits 01 Awards Coordinator

Awards Coordinator
This role will support the Head of Award in the planning, securing and managing of both development and humanitarian awards. This role will work collaboratively with Save the Children members and all departments of the Country Office program to ensure smooth management of development and humanitarian program awards, sub awards and contracts, focusing on donor compliance and accountability. This position will also be responsible to build the capacity of staff.
Role Dimensions
 South Sudan is one of the most challenging and exciting working environments that Save the Children currently works in. The newest country in the world, its legacy of thirty years of war has yet to be even partly addressed as its new government struggles to both mature and reach out to its people Infrastructure across the country remains virtually none-existent; with 80% of the country – including State capitals – only accessible for half of the year (the rainy season) by small aircraft. Even in the capital – Juba – there are no functioning public utilities, few tarmac roads and limited health services. Aid agencies rely on generators, water trucking and satellite internet to meet their basic needs. The agencies still provide some 75% of the basic services of the South Sudanese population. Parts of the country are still racked by insecurity – tribal militias, rebel militia groups and direct conflict with the North of Sudan all take their regular toll on the civilian population
3-5 Year of experience in relevant field
Significant practical management experience preferably in both emergency and development programmes
   Good attention to detail and analytical skills
    Computer literate (i.e. WORD, advanced Excel, Outlook, Internet Explorer, financial systems)
 Cultural awareness and ability to build relationships quickly with a wide variety of people
Patient, adaptable, flexible, able to improvise and remain responsive and communicate clearly and effectively under pressure
   Excellent planning, management and coordination skills, with the ability to organise a workload comprised of varying and changing tasks and responsibilities
  Strong communication (written and spoken) in the local language and minimum intermediate level in English
Knowledge of donor requirements and experience of NGO award management systems and processes
Knowledge of the requirements and experience managing awards from major donors including budgeting, eligibility issues, compliance management, and reporting
 Fluent in English
Contract length: 1year
The Organisation
We employ approximately 25,000 people across the globe and work on the ground in over 100 countries to help children affected by crises, or those that need better healthcare, education and child protection. We also campaign and advocate at the highest levels to realise the right of children and to ensure their voices are heard.
We are working towards three breakthroughs in how the world treats children by 2030:
No child dies from preventable causes before their 5th birthday
All children learn from a quality basic education and that,
Violence against children is no longer tolerated
We know that great people make a great organization, and that our employees play a crucial role in helping us achieve our ambitions for children.  We value our people and offer a meaningful and rewarding career, along with a collaborative and inclusive workplace where ambition, creativity, and integrity are highly valued.
Application Information:
Please apply using a cover letter and up-to-date CV as a single document. Please also include details of your current remuneration and salary expectations.  A copy of the full role profile can be found at
We need to keep children safe so our selection process reflects our commitment to the protection of children from abuse.
 28 Jul 2019 – 20:59 UTC
 Juba, South Sudan
 Awards Management
 Fixed-term contract