Public Information Fund (CSM II): Inviting Local Media Organizations and CSOs in Myanmar

Public Information Fund (CSM II): Inviting Local Media Organizations and CSOs in Myanmar

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Deadline: 31 August 2019

Through this Annual Program Statement (APS), Advancing Transition to Peaceful Democracy through Participation of Civil Society and Media (CSM-II) is calling for applications for grants from independent local media organizations and CSOs in Myanmar. The APS aims to address many of the concerns and issues raised by independent media organizations and CSOs during one-on-one consultations, and draws on the findings of analyses conducted by FHI 360 and Internews and experience from CSM I.

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Grants provided under this APS will support high-quality reporting, media development, access to quality and accurate information, and awareness building in the following areas:

  • Reform of laws and policies, and improved implementation of laws and policies
  • Peace & national reconciliation
  • Intercommunal harmony & religious freedom

Funding Information

  • Applicants may propose budgets between MMK 16,000,000 and MMK 118,000,000.
  • Applications may be for projects up to 12 months in duration.

Cross-Cutting Themes

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Partners are strongly encouraged to promote participation of diverse religious, ethnic, and marginalized communities within their organization’s reporting teams as well as in the subject matter of their media programming. While addressing the issues above, applicants are strongly encouraged to integrate the following cross-cutting themes into their projects, as appropriate.

  • Engaging youth and strengthening their leadership
  • Gender equality and women’s empowerment
  • LGBTQI equality and empowerment
  • Disability rights and inclusiveness


Applicants are encouraged to propose a range of activities that help the public engage with news and information and to develop innovative approaches to information dissemination at both national and sub-national levels. Possible activities may include:

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  • Producing reports and programs on issues of public interest in the three areas described above.
  • Using digital platforms to create alternative distribution networks.
  • Producing media programs that tell the stories of and are produced by members of religious, ethnic and sexual minorities and people with disabilities.
  • Producing research, studies and information directed at a large segment of the public.
  • Developing alternative information and dissemination platforms such as listening groups.
  • Developing new products and business models focused on digital products.
  • Producing election-related information outputs in advance of the 2020 elections that will be disseminated through print, broadcast, and online media.
  • Using information innovation tools, including approaches to fact-checking and verifying information, digital safety, data journalism, integrating content into digital platforms for journalists, using digital platforms to tell complex stories.
  • Using social media and digital platforms to engage new audience segments.
  • Developing media outputs that focuses on the emerging community radio sector.

Eligibility Criteria

  • This APS is open to applicants from anywhere in Myanmar. It is open to nongovernmental independent local media organizations, networks, and associations; non-governmental research and policy institutions; and CSOs working on issues inside Myanmar. They may be either registered or unregistered.
  • The following are not eligible to receive grant support: individuals; political parties; military or other armed groups; government or semi-governmental institutions or media organizations (semi-governmental institutions and organizations being those that are 50 percent or more government financed or owned); international organizations; and faith-based organizations that exclude beneficiaries based on faith, or any other protected characteristics (such as sex, gender or sexual orientation).
  • Grant applications will first be checked for eligibility. Applications that are not eligible will not be considered by the Grant Evaluation Committee.

How to Apply

Applicants should send the application, budget and other attachments electronically at the address given on the website.

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