PNUD recruits 01 Programme Analyst, Governance and Peace building

PNUD recruits 01 Programme Analyst, Governance and Peace building

Job Description
Agency: UNDP
Title: JPO – Programme Analyst, Governance and Peace building
Job ID: 23194
Practice Area – Job Family: Democratic GovernanceCrisis Prevention and Recovery – PREVENTING VIOLENT EXTREMISM (PVE)
Vacancy End Date: (Midnight New York, USA) 09/08/2019
Duty Station: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Education & Work Experience: G-Bachelor’s Level Degree – 4 year(s) experience, I-Master’s Level Degree – 2 year(s) experience
Languages Required: English, Korean
Grade: P2
Vacancy Type: FTA International (JPO)
Posting Type: External
Bureau: Africa
Contract Duration: Initially one year with the possibility to extend up to a maximum of 3 years
This post based in UNDP’s Regional Service Centre for Africa is for a young professional who will support the Regional programme on Preventing Violent Extremism. It is opened in the context of the Junior Professional Officer (JPO) scheme sponsored by the Government of the Republic of Korea and is addressed exclusively to nationals of the Republic of Korea
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Regional Service Centre for Africa, based in Addis Ababa serves UNDP’s 45 Country Offices in sub-Saharan Africa, develops high quality knowledge and policy which is the organisation’s main interface with regional and continental bodies such as the African Union (AU) and the Regional Economic Communities, and implements cross-border issues as Regional Programme.
This continent-wide Regional Programme supports Africa’s transformation agenda by 1) enhancing inclusive and sustainable growth, 2) widening political participation and giving everyone a voice, and 3) developing responsive institutions which deliver desired services and promote inclusive processes of state-society dialogue. The work builds on UNDP’s expertise in development thinking and practice, and decades of experience working at country level and globally.
Governance and Peacebuilding in Africa
In relation to three main agendas above, this area focuses on developing knowledge, providing policy advice and country office programme support in the following areas: conflict prevention and peacebuilding; inclusive political processes and elections; enhancing voice and participation, responsive institutions and anti-corruption; and rule of law, justice and security.
Specific areas of work include:
-Support to regional institutions such as the AUC (NEPAD, APRM, ACBF); ECOWAS, IGAD etc.
-Integrated Governance Assessment Framework via strategies for the harmonization of statistics in Africa.
-Anti-Corruption and Economic Governance: Illicit financial flows, National Integrity Systems/Processes, Development Planning and Budgeting.
-Decentralization and local governance
-Public Administration and core government functions
-Radicalization and violent extremism (PVE)
-Peacebuilding and Reconciliation
-Support to the UN Peace and Security Framework for the Great Lakes.
-Strengthening Human Security and Community Resilience in the Sahel.
-Displacement and irregular migration
In order to achieve SDGs goal 16(Governance and Peace), UNDP takes the lead in strong partnerships with the African Union (AU), the Regional Economic Communities, parliaments and political parties, civil society organizations, and think tanks, as well as South-South and Triangular cooperation.
The expected areas of work are following (A), (B) and (C).
(A) Regional programme on Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE)
The PVE project articulates a development response and addresses structural, causative or perpetuating factors. The initiatives focus on twelve (12) countries including: countries at the epicenter of the crisis; neighboring countries affected by violent extremism and countries at risk. The initiative promotes a regional approach given cross border and sub-regional dynamics demanding a coordinated regional approach.
The incumbent will provide technical and advisory support to the UNDP Country offices, Regional Organizations and National Governments with respect to implementation of this project, Support development of regional and national strategies/action plans which articulate a development response to addressing the growth of radicalization and violent extremism, support the implementation of Project Activities and implementation at the Regional Level and Support development of regional and national strategies/action plans which articulate a development response to addressing the growth of radicalization and violent extremism.
(B) AU and RECs deliver on their mandate, especially cross-cutting issues related to peacebuilding and conflict prevention, prevention of violent extremism(PVE) and stabilisation
UNDP as a global leader in capacity development will strategically focus its efforts on the AUC and a selected number of RECs, including  SADC, Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), ECOWAS and the Lake Chad Basin Authority (LCBA), to strengthen their institutional capacity to deliver on their respective mandates, including commitments made under: Agendas 2063 and the 2030; the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction; the Paris Agreement on Climate Change; and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, as well as the recommendations of the Kagame Report. The intervention builds upon UNDPs wealth of knowledge on capacity development, the RPs past footprint and partnerships with all targeted institutions, and responds directly to the UNDP SP to build regional capacities.
Specifically in the context of this assignment, UNDP will support enhancement of AUC and REC’s capacities on conflict prevention/peacebuilding, stabilisation and prevention of violent extremism.
(C) Regional institutions sustain peace and build resilience to crises and shocks
In response to the Report of the Secretary-General’s Advisory Group of Experts on the 2015 Review of the UN Peacebuilding Architecture, in April 2016, the UN SC and the UN GA adopted parallel resolutions on ‘sustaining peace,’ which acknowledge the inherently political nature of conflict prevention efforts.Under this intervention focus will be on transformational governance: this includes deepening PVE initiatives; scale-up of early response capacity in relation to emerging armed conflict risk and situations on the continent in consolidated partnership with the AU, IOM, UNHCR, and UNECA.
Reporting structure and partners:
The Programme Analyst will be working within a dedicated team of international and national staff who will be responsible for implementation of UNDP’s Governance and Peace building projects in Africa.
Content and methodology of supervision:
As part of the UNDP JPO programme overall framework, the JPO will benefit from the following supervision modalities:
-Structured guidance provided by the supervisor, especially in the beginning of the assignment, with the purpose of gradually increasing the responsibilities of the JPO
-Establishment of a work plan, with clear key results
-Effective supervision through knowledge sharing and performance/development feedback throughout the assignment
-Easy access to the supervisor
-Participation in Unit/Team/Office meetings to ensure integration and operational effectiveness
-Guidance and advice in relation to learning and training opportunities within the field of expertise
-Completion of the yearly UNDP Performance Management Document (PMD)
-If more than one supervisor; clear agreement of the roles and responsibilities between the relevant parties
Training and learning opportunities:
As part of the UNDP JPO programme overall framework, the JPO will benefit from the following training and learning opportunities:
-Participation in a two-week long Programme Policy and Operations Induction Course in New York within the first 3 to 6 months of assignment
-Use of yearly JPO duty-related travel and training allocation (DTTA), as per the online DTTA guide
-Other training and learning opportunities, as presented in the UNDP JPO Orientation Programme
In addition, the JPO will benefit from the following specific training and learning modalities/opportunities in the receiving office:
-The JPO will benefit from an orientation programme upon arrival to the Regional Centre in Addis Ababa comprised of in-house briefings, meetings with the Governance and Peacebuilding Team; other Clusters and external partners. S/he will work closely with the Regional Programme Coordinator, who will be responsible for the JPO’s induction.
-Formalized training will include participation in relevant workshops, seminars and training courses.
The assignment will give JPO the opportunity to become intimately familiar with programming processes in Africa and key strategic issues relating to this including on governance and conflict prevention, More specifically, upon completion of the assignment
The JPO will be able to:
1.Provide technical support on issues relating to countering violent extremism and in particular those substantive areas which form part of the Regional CVE Project including rule of law, community resilience, gender, DDR(particularly reintegration), the role of media, the role of regional organizations in Africa and research.
2.Provide capacity development assistance to Country Offices and senior representatives on issues relating to the above
3.Undertake and oversee complex primary and secondary research
Duties and Responsibilities
1. Support implementation of Peace building projects focusing on achievement of the following results
-Support core components including on peacebuilding, conflict prevention, prevention of violent extremism, human rights, migration and displacement
-In collaboration with the Governance and Peacebuilding Team, support the development of regional and national strategies/action plans which articulate a development response to addressing the growth of radicalisation and violent extremism
-In partnership with media organisations assist in development of counter-narratives to respond to violent extremist messaging as well as proactively messaging which will act as a deterrent
-Provide technical and advisory support to Regional Organisations and National Governments with respect to implementation of this project;
-Ensure that Gender considerations are mainstreamed across all project interventions according to best practices
-Develop community initiatives which will build trust between authorities and communities in districts/regions affected by violent extremist groups.
-In partnership with media organizations assist in development of counter-narratives to respond to violent extremist messaging as well as proactively messaging which will act as a deterrent
-Work with CSO’s, faith based organizations and local government bodies to increase the resilience of communities to respond to violent extremism.
-Support the development of a regional research platform on countering violent extremism in coordination with relevant partners.
-Provide technical and advisory support to the UNDP Country offices, Regional Organizations and National Governments with respect to implementation of this project.
-Assist with preparation of background and issues papers on thematic areas under peacebuilding and prevention of violent extremism including country review reports as needed
-Assist with maintenance of all data and records relevant to the peacebuilding and PVE portfolio’s. This may include developing/updating the database for various expertise/ consultants in respective thematic areas
-Support organization and coordination of regional meetings, training and learning activities
2. Ensure Knowledge Building and management focusing on achievement of the following results:
-Capture and disseminate lessons learned and best practices to contribute to learning on policing and
development elsewhere;
-Participate in international knowledge networks and other fora to draw on best practice and lessons learned in other similar contexts;
-Coordinate project strategies and activities with other UNDP projects and programmes to ensure the effective implementation of this project as well as the Regional Programme.
-Support the compilation of progress reports based on the approved work plans and in accordance with the principles of results based management (RBM)
3. Planning, monitoring and evaluate implementation of the peacebuilding, reconciliation and reintegration activities/processes:
-Coordinate planning and monitoring activities including development Annual Work Plan (AWP), M&E plan and other planning work;
-Work closely with staff for development of peacebuilding, PVE and reintegration activities;
-Support the development of conflict and scenario analysis as well as mapping training;
-Prepare periodic progress, analytical and special reports on reintegration, peacebuilding and governance work as requested
Strategic theoretical and practical policy advice:
-Identification of sources of information related to policy-driven issues;
-Identification and synthesis of best practices and lessons learnt directly linked to programme country policy goals;
-Support to development of policies and institutions that will address country/cross border and regional problems and needs in collaboration with the Government and other strategic partners;
-Sound contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice;
-Organization of trainings for the projects staff on programme issues;
Core competencies
-Innovation – Ability to make new and useful ideas work
-Leadership – Ability to persuade others to follow
-People Management – Ability to improve performance and satisfaction
-Communication – Ability to listen, adapt, persuade and transform
-Delivery – Ability to get things done while exercising good judgement
Technical competencies
-Project Management/Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)
-Knowledge of PM and M&E concepts, principles and policies and the ability to apply in strategic and/or practical situations
-Job Knowledge/Technical Expertise
-Understands more advanced aspects of primary area of specialization, keeps abreast of new developments, motivated and demonstrates capacity to pursue personal development and learn
-Developing innovative and creative approaches:
-Leverages different experiences and expertise of team members to achieve better and more innovative outcomes and leverages multi-disciplinary knowledge and experience
-Knowledge Management
-Ability to efficiently handle and share information and knowledge
Required Skills and Experience
Education requirements:
-Master’s Degree or equivalent. Advanced Degree in a related field of expertise (+ minimum 2 years of relevant and paid work experience)
-A first level university degree with a relevant combination of academic qualifications and minimum of 4 years of experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree
Wortking experience:
-The work experience required in addition to the above education requirements has to be paid working experience and should be in a relevant field
-Good  knowledge of democratic governance particularly rule of law, conflict prevention, justice or/and human rights
-Prior experience working on issues relating to conflict prevention/ peacebuilding and PVE is preferred
-Project Management experience on the ground (Preferred)
-Work experience in Africa (preferred)
Language requirements:
-Fluency in written and spoken English and Korean s required (please see further details below)
-Working knowledge of French is desired but not a requirement
Nationality of the candidate:
This post is opened in the context of the Junior Professional Officer (JPO) scheme sponsored by the Government of the Republic of Korea and is addressed exclusively to nationals of the Republic of Korea
Special requirements for the nationals of the Republic of Korea:
-The canididate should not be older than 32 years of age as of 31st December of 2019 (The maximum age limit for those who served in the military will be extended accordingly)
-Male applicants should complete the Korean military service or be exempted from it.
-Applicants should submit the following documents. All documents should be prepared in English. In addition, applicants who state their low-income status in the application should submit a certificate of National Basic Livelihood Security Recipients issued in Korean and its unofficial English translation.
-A scanned copy of applicant’s Resident Register should be attached to the application
-A copy of the university degree should be attached to the application
-A certificate of English language proficiency. Applicants should submit a minimum of iBT TOEFL score of 107 (PBT TOEFL equivalent is also acceptable) or TEPS score of 800 or New TEPS score of 452.
-Only for male applicants: A certificate of Korean Military Service. The maximum age limit for those who served in the military will be extended* in accordance with the Support for Discharged Soldiers Act and the military service law.
Age limit for male candidates who have completed the service:
Less than one year will be extended for one year;
one year above and two years under will be extended for two years;
two years or more will be extended for three years.
-Only for low-income applicants: A scanned copy of applicant’s certificate of National Basic Livelihood Security Recipients issued in Korean and its unofficial English translation
All applicants can apply for a maximum of two JPO positions sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea during the year of application.
For more details about the JPO Programme, please visit:
Important information for US Permanent Residents (‘Green Card’ holders)
Under US immigration law, acceptance of a staff position with UNDP, an international organization, may have significant implications for US Permanent Residents. UNDP advises applicants for all professional level posts that they must relinquish their US Permanent Resident status and accept a G-4 visa, or have submitted a valid application for US citizenship prior to commencement of employment.
UNDP is not in a position to provide advice or assistance on applying for US citizenship and therefore applicants are advised to seek the advice of competent immigration lawyers regarding any applications.
Applicant information about UNDP rosters
Note: UNDP reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement.  We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and educational requirements.
Workforce diversity
UNDP is committed to achieving diversity within its workforce, and encourages all qualified applicants, irrespective of gender, nationality, disabilities, sexual orientation, culture, religious and ethnic backgrounds to apply. All applications will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Scam warning
The United Nations does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process. Should you receive a solicitation for the payment of a fee, please disregard it. Furthermore, please note that emblems, logos, names and addresses are easily copied and reproduced. Therefore, you are advised to apply particular care when submitting personal information on the web.
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