Personal Responsibility Education Program Innovative Strategies – US
Deadline: 26-Jul-21
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Administration on Children, Youth and Families (ACYF) Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB) will be accepting applications from local organizations and entities, including faith-based organizations, to pilot, implement, and test innovative adolescent pregnancy prevention strategies for the Personal Responsibility Education Program Innovative Strategies (PREIS) program.
Open Call for Young Leaders advancing SRHR. Deadline to apply: 15 July 2021
Human Rights Initiative for supporting Women ($20,000 Grants). Deadline to apply: 1 September 2021
Top Dutch Donors that fund internationally to improve livelihoods in communities
One-time Microgrant for NGO Projects that generate Social Impact. Deadline to apply: 30 June 2021
$15,000-$25,000 Funding for Women and Children living in Extreme Poverty. Deadline to apply: 31 July 2021
Seed Grant for Grassroots Organizations and Women-led Initiatives. Deadline to apply: 31 July 2021
Grants to support NGOs working to end the HIV Epidemic. Deadline to apply: 30 June 2021
Fellows will receive Project and Connect Fund to address Water-related Issues
Apply for Project Funding in areas of Art and Culture (Arab Region)
This Call is offering Seed Money to Research Projects in Africa
Global Humanitarian Initiative seeks applications from anywhere in the world
Unrestricted Grants for improving Health Equity and reducing Health Disparities among Vulnerable Communities
New funding for Small NGOs to fight Infectious Diseases
Grants for Innovative Projects to improve Humanitarian Response
Call for empowering Social Entrepreneurs that are working to achieve the SDGs
This program targets services to high-risk, vulnerable, and culturally underrepresented youth populations. This includes, but is not limited to, youth in foster care, runaway and homeless youth, youth with HIV/AIDS, victims of human trafficking, pregnant and parenting youth who are under 21 years of age and their partners, rural youth, and youth residing in high teen birth rate areas.
Projects are required to:
educate adolescents on both abstinence and contraception for the prevention of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV/AIDS, and
implement at least three of the following six adulthood preparation subjects (APS):
healthy relationships,
adolescent development,
financial literacy,
parent-child communication,
educational and career success, and
healthy life skills.
Funding Information
Open Call for Young Leaders advancing SRHR. Deadline to apply: 15 July 2021
Human Rights Initiative for supporting Women ($20,000 Grants). Deadline to apply: 1 September 2021
Top Dutch Donors that fund internationally to improve livelihoods in communities
One-time Microgrant for NGO Projects that generate Social Impact. Deadline to apply: 30 June 2021
$15,000-$25,000 Funding for Women and Children living in Extreme Poverty. Deadline to apply: 31 July 2021
Seed Grant for Grassroots Organizations and Women-led Initiatives. Deadline to apply: 31 July 2021
Grants to support NGOs working to end the HIV Epidemic. Deadline to apply: 30 June 2021
Fellows will receive Project and Connect Fund to address Water-related Issues
Apply for Project Funding in areas of Art and Culture (Arab Region)
This Call is offering Seed Money to Research Projects in Africa
Global Humanitarian Initiative seeks applications from anywhere in the world
Unrestricted Grants for improving Health Equity and reducing Health Disparities among Vulnerable Communities
New funding for Small NGOs to fight Infectious Diseases
Grants for Innovative Projects to improve Humanitarian Response
Call for empowering Social Entrepreneurs that are working to achieve the SDGs
Estimated Total Funding: $9,600,000
Expected Number of Awards: 12
Award Ceiling: $900,000 Per Budget Period
Award Floor: $600,000 Per Budget Period
Average Projected Award Amount: $750,000 Per Budget Period
Length of Project Period: 60-month project period with five 12- month budget periods
PREIS Program Design
Under the PREIS program, the following requirements must be addressed:
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Commandez MaintenantInnovative strategies
Abstinence and contraception
Adulthood Preparation Subjects (APS)
Medically accurate information
Age appropriate information
Culturally appropriate information
Trauma-informed care
Referrals to healthcare and other services
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All required activities for each phase are as follows:
Phase I (12 to 18 months)
Refine and/or revise intervention and training materials to ensure they are medically accurate, age appropriate, culturally appropriate, and trauma informed
Fill all staff vacancies and train staff to deliver the intervention
Finalize Memoranda of Understanding (MOU)s, contracts, and agreements with partners, subrecipients, and implementation sites
Develop and conduct cognitive testing with youth from the target population on the data collection instruments
Include FYSB performance measures participant surveys in the final data collection instrument
Obtain IRB approval for the pilot study
Develop and receive approval for evaluation abstract, implementation plan, impact evaluation plan
Obtain consent and assent forms from parents and participants for the pilot study
Conduct a pilot test of the full intervention and implementation processes
Incorporate changes to the intervention and implementation processes based on the pilot study
Phase II (Years 2-4)
Obtain IRB approval for the rigorous evaluation study
Obtain consent and assent forms from parents and participants for the rigorous evaluation study
Implement the intervention and activities for the control/comparison group (if applicable)
Conduct fidelity monitoring and supervision activities
Employ participant engagement and retention strategies to maximize attendance
Conduct retention, tracking, and follow-up activities
Collect and submit federal performance measures data to FYSB
Collect impact evaluation data
Complete CONSORT diagrams and baseline equivalence tables, as required
Develop and finalize a sustainability approach
Phase III (Year 5)
Continue implementation of the intervention with youth outside of the study (as applicable)
Complete a lessons learned template
Develop and finalize the analysis plan that supports the analysis of primary and secondary research questions
Analyze all outcome data
Submit and finalize an impact evaluation report to ACF
Manualize and package all intervention materials
Implement sustainability activities
Submit at least one manuscript to a peer-reviewed journal to contribute to research
Disseminate study findings
Eligibility Criteria
Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
County governments
Special district governments
City or township governments
State governments
Private institutions of higher education
Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
For profit organizations other than small businesses
Small businesses
Public housing authorities/Indian housing authorities
Independent school districts
Public and State controlled institutions of higher education
Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)
Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments)
For more information, visit