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Norwegian Helsinki Committee’s Small Grants Fund for Central Asia

Norwegian Helsinki Committee’s Small Grants Fund for Central Asia

Deadline: 15 February 2020

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee has announced the Small Grants Fund for Central Asia.

10+ Funders for Agriculture, Food and Nutrition
10+ Global Donors for Improving Lives of Children in Poor Countries
10+ Donors that believe in building NGO capacities for Civil Society Development

15+ Donors for Saving the Planet: Grants for Environment, Conservation and Wildlife
The Norwegian Helsinki Committee is a non-governmental organisation working to ensure that human rights are respected in practice. They do this through monitoring, reporting, teaching and democracy support.

Focus Areas

This year, they are particularly interested in proposals focusing on:

20+ Donors standing up for Human Rights and Equality
10+ International Donors seeking to improve Access to Water, Hygiene and Sanitation
20+ Global Donors for Empowering Women and Girls
25+ Donors for the Empowerment of Youth
Kazakhstan: Human rights and Freedom of assembly and association
Kyrgyzstan: Human rights and Rule of law
Uzbekistan: Human rights and Reform
Tajikistan: Human rights and Political prisoners
Turkmenistan: Human rights
Funding Information

Budgets may vary from a minimum of 1000 USD to a maximum of 9999 USD.
They particularly encourage newly established organizations to apply.
Eligibility Criteria

Organizations from all five Central Asian republics may apply for support for projects focused on the promotion of human rights and democracy in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
Proposals may be submitted in English or Russian language.
Please note: Organizations who are currently receiving support from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) or have received NED support in recent years, are not eligible for this grant.
For more information, visit https://www.nhc.no/en/apply-for-small-grants-fund-central-asia-2020/

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