If your program is committed to hands-on education and teaching young people the specialized skills and knowledge needed to maintain cars, motorcycles and boats, we admire what you’re doing. And we want to help fund it!
Aren’t sure if your program fits? Check out our list of past recipients to get a good idea of what programs we’ve already funded, and read all of the information on this page to learn what we’re looking for. Feel free to contact us with your program details to see if it fits before you spend time on an application.
Before completing the application document, please read the following carefully.
Who we are:
The RPM Foundation provides the pathway to careers for the next generation of automotive, motorcycle and marine restoration and preservation craftsmen and artisans through formal training and mentorship.
What we do:
We promote interest in collectible cars, motorcycles and boats by developing the next generation of enthusiasts, restorers and craftsmen. By providing funding through scholarships and grants to organizations that have a proven history of being committed to the ‘hands-on’ training of young people, we are securing the future of the automotive and marine restoration and preservation industries.
What we’re looking for:
We are concerned about the future and the fact that fewer young people are learning the trades and skills that will help preserve our heritage. To that end, we help organizations who are dedicated to instructing and training young people, primarily 18-25 year olds, to restore and preserve vintage cars, motorcycles and boats, as well as providing them with a pathway to careers.
🚀Annonces pour Nos Partenaires !
Créez votre site web professionnel à un prix imbattable avec 3Vision-Group.
Découvrez l'OffreCommandez une application mobile sur mesure et transformez vos idées en réalité !
Commandez MaintenantTypical Grant Awards & Expectations
An average first-time grant award is about $10,000. Grant awardees are required to submit progress reports including posting photos with captions, as well as videos on a private, secured KoolProjects website throughout the term of the grant. Applicants should also provide information about other funding sources should RPM only award a portion of the applicant amount requested.
To some degree, we have supported relevant museums by underwriting the cost of student tours and internships, and even helped organizations purchase restoration tools and equipment, but you have a better chance of receiving an RPM Foundation grant if you have a hands-on training program that provides a pathway to careers for students 18-25 years old. Our highest priorities today are student scholarships, internships and apprenticeships. We never fund salaries. Please note that we rarely support institutional infrastructure or equipment needs, or start-up programs. Established programs with a track record really get our attention.
2020-21 Application Dates:
Deadlines | Announcement Dates |
December 4, 2020 | February 5, 2021 |
April 2, 2021 | June 14, 2021 |
December 3, 2021 | February 4, 2022 |
All grant applications must be received by end of business day (5 pm PST) of the application deadline date. Please email complete application to the Grants Administrator at [email protected].