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NAS Award for the Industrial Application of Science 2020


NAS Award for the Industrial Application of Science 2020 ($25,000 prize)

Deadline: October 7, 2019

Nominations are open for the NAS Award for the Industrial Application of Science 2020. The 2020 NAS Award for the Industrial Application of Science will be awarded for original scientific work in sustainability with significant, beneficial applications in industry.

The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) is a private, non-profit society of distinguished scholars. Established by an Act of Congress, signed by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863, the NAS is charged with providing independent, objective advice to the nation on matters related to science and technology.


  • The recipient is awarded a $25,000 prize.


  • Self-nominations are not accepted.
  • Joint nominations are discouraged and will only be considered when nominees have collaborated closely — usually in the same laboratory — on the work to be recognized by the award.
  • NAS membership is not required to nominate or to be nominated.
  • International nominees are eligible for nomination unless explicitly stated otherwise.


All nominations must be submitted online. Unless otherwise stated, the following materials must be submitted.

  • A letter from the nominator describing the candidate’s work and why he or she should be selected for the award. No more than three (3) pages.
  • Curriculum vitae. No more than two (2) pages (similar to CVs included with NSF proposals).
  • Bibliography listing no more than twelve (12) of the nominee’s most significant publications.
  • Suggested citation. A 50-word summary stating why the nominee should be considered for this award. Citation examples
  • Two letters of support. Support letters must be written by individuals from institutions outside both the nominator’s and the nominee’s institution.
