Memorial Grants Program: Call for Proposals

Memorial Grants Program: Call for Proposals

Deadline: 1-Mar-21

The Neotropical Grassland Conservancy is inviting proposals for the Memorial Grants Program to directly promote conservation research. These grants directly promote conservation research.

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Grants are one-year, unrestricted funds that can be used for direct or indirect costs, including salary. Specific grants may be restricted to certain taxa or new research initiatives. Please note, you must carefully describe how this grant may impact grassland conservation efforts in your application.

The Neotropical Grassland Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation founded in 2001. They donate equipment and money to local scientists and direct conservation projects and educational programs. Their philosophy promotes cost-effective ways to impact conservation of grasslands, empowers local people and launches careers, and creates a valuable network of promising scientists and students. They are dedicated to:

Conservation: Promoting the conservation of savannas, gallery forests, wetlands, and associated ecosystems in Central and South America.
Collaboration: Fostering mutually beneficial collaboration between North American and Central and South American scientists and institutions by providing shared scientific and educational opportunities.
The Grants

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Peter Rittenhouse Kellogg, Jr. Memorial Fund Grant
This award of up to $10,000 is given annually to exceptional projects, which will have a lasting impact on grassland conservation. Ritt Kellogg graduated from Colorado College in 1990. He loved wild places, both at sea and in the mountains. His mountaineering career included difficult rock-and-ice climbs in Colorado and desert rock climbs. He valued the preservation and protection of wilderness areas, and strived to be a positive friend to all. He found joy in helping others, often when they did not expect it. Ritt died tragically in an avalanche while he and two friends were topping out on the east face of Mt. Foraker in Alaska, June 18, 1992.
Halsey M. Marsden Memorial Research Grant
This award of $5,000 is given annually to an outstanding grassland conservation project. It is given in memory of Halsey Marsden, who was an avid naturalist and scientist with a great appreciation of wild places. He was a keen observer and dedicated researcher who understood the application of the scientific method. Missouri prairies were a large part of his research efforts.
Sue Wijdenes Memorial Research Grant
This award of $5,000 USD is given to scientists in the American tropics initiating new grassland conservation research. The grant is awarded in memory of Sue Wijdenes. Sue was an avid birder, traveler, and advocate of conservation.
Derald G. Langham Memorial Research Grant
This award provides a $2,000 USD grant to scientists in the American tropics featuring grassland plants. The grant is awarded in memory of Derald G. Langham. Derald received the first Ph.D. from Cornell University in plant genetics in 1937. He and his family spent the next 30 years in Venezuela as Derald established plant nurseries and headed the national plant genetics program. His passion for plants, charisma, and support of new ways of thinking of the world are memorialized in this award.
Eligibility Criteria

Eligible Applicants: Latin American researchers affiliated with a university, museum, or conservation organization.
Applications are reviewed by outside reviewers and members of the board. Decisions are based on scientific merit, conservation impact, and how closely the proposal meets NGC’s mission. Final decisions are made at the annual board meeting.
For more information, visit

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