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Malta: Research Support Grant is now open for Applications


Malta: Research Support Grant is now open for Applications

Deadline: 6 May 2020

Arts Council Malta is seeking applications for its Research Support Grant that focuses on creative research, led by a creative professional, leading to the development of a creative concept.

The Research Support Grant is Strand 1 of the Malta Arts Fund. This strand will support the early phases of a project which would allow creative professionals to experiment, test their work, collaborate and develop their ideas further.

Funding Information

  • Each project may be allocated a maximum of EUR 5,000.
  • The amount may cover 100% of eligible expenses.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The Grant is open to individuals, groups and/or organisations.
  • Applicants must be Maltese citizens or be in possession of a Malta residence permit or of a Maltese citizenship certificate or of a Maltese passport.

Selection Criteria

  • Relevance of the research to the creative professional/s involved
  • Partners, collaborators and methodology used
  • Presentation and dissemination of the research
  • Management

For more information, visit