MAJALAT Initiative to Create and Promote a Space of Constructive Dialogue between Civil Society Organizations
Deadline: 31 July 2019
This call for proposal is part of the MAJALAT initiative, whose objective is to create and promote a space of constructive dialogue between civil society organizations, trade unions, social movements and universities from the southern Mediterranean and the European Union to influence the EU’s vision and policies towards the Southern shore of the Mediterranean.
The project specificity comes from its organisers who represent civil society network from both sides of the Mediterranean. The consortium is formed by the following partners: the Arab NGO Network for Development (ANND), the Arab Trade Union Confederation (ATUC), the EuroMed France Network, the EuroMed Rights Network, the Alternatives Forum Morocco (FMAS), and SOLIDAR.
Designed and implemented by and for civil society, the project is conceived as an inclusive and participatory bottom-up process. Each year, within the annual cycle of activities, partners meet to debate and discuss about five key themes for the EU and regional countries relationship, namely governance and the rule of law, security and fighting against violence, migrations, economic and social dialogue, and social and climate justice. The outcomes of these discussions will be included in the structured political dialogues with the European Union in a Forum on 26th-and 27th November 2019 in Brussels.
- Good governance and rule of law
- Corruption / Shrinking space for civil society
- Migration
- Social protection and migrants’ rights
- Security and counter violence
- From security to countering violence: a renewed, rights-based approach
- Economic Development and Social dialogue
- The role of the private sector and investment and trade policies
- Climate and Social Justice
- Social and climate justice, what approach?
Funding Information
- The projects will be funded with a maximum amount of 8000 Euro.
- The activities will have to be implemented between 20 September and 31 October 2019.
Eligibility Criteria
To apply for a grant, an applicant can partner with another co-applicant(s). The applicant and the co-applicant must meet the following criteria:
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Commandez Maintenant- Be recognised as a legal person
- Be a non-profit organisation
- Subscribe to the values of Human Rights in its universality, indivisibility and interdependence
- Be part of the following categories: a civil society organisation, a trade union organisation, a social movement (in this case, an organisation from Majalat consortium must act as guarantor by means of a letter of support)
- prove the experience in one of the themes of the programme as well as a clear focus on dialogue based actions
- Have a democratic organisation structure independent from governments
- Be in charge of the management and preparation of the action together with the coapplicant(s), and not to act as intermediary
Eligible Activities
The following activities may be considered:
- Support for CSO participation in local/national/regional policy dialogues
- Identification and dissemination coalition building and networking activities
- Dialogue building capacities
- Other actions directly related to the theme and dialogue oriented
Eligible costs
Costs must be directly related to the implementation of the action. Indirect costs will not be covered whereas costs of personnel directly related to the project can be included in the budget.
Selection Criteria
Priority will be given to actions:
- Involving bigger actions not funded by the EU resources providing co-financing. The action must be independently identified and justified
- Integrating young people, either by direct participation or by the thematic approach
- Be implemented by organizations from Egypt, Libya and Syria (if necessary outside the country)
- Taking into consideration the specific needs in the countries of intervention
- Promoting dialogue or visibility actions having an impact at national level and providing policy recommendations and/or good practices.
How to Apply
Interested applicants must download the application form via given website.
For more information, please visit