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Light A Single Candle Foundation inviting Applicants for International Grants Program


Light A Single Candle Foundation inviting Applicants for International Grants Program

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Deadline: 19 October 2019

Light A Single Candle Foundation (LASC) is inviting applicants for its International Grants Program.

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LASC is currently partnering with their partners on projects designed to provide food support and economic development to a number of Central American and Caribbeancountries.

Focus Areas

Projects to be funded will address one of the following LASC Focus Areas:

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  • Food support, security, and sustainability: this may include emergency feeding and starvation relief; subsistence farming, backyard farming, or soil improvement initiatives; sustainable and regenerative food programs (ie…aqua farming, greenhouse gardens, beekeeping, fruit tree planting and baking)
  • Social Entrepreneurship & Microdevelopment: food related community based initiatives that address poverty, increase income, teach new skills, provide training, and create individual, family and community economic opportunities.
  • Poverty relief: Development of individuals, families, and communities toward self-determination and an improved standard of living. (ie…access to clean water and improved sanitation practices; housing development, animal husbandry)
  • By personal invitation from LASC

The foundation believes the need for food and economic sustainability is basic to all poverty solutions. They are motivated by faith in God and values based initiatives and programs, but are not limited to the support of faith-based partnerships.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Recipient organization must be a not for profit USA based 501 (c) (3) public charity as defined by the Internal Revenue Service code.
  • Projects to be considered must be located within the following countries: Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, or Nicaragua.
  • Recipients must have staff and/or partners on the ground and include local community in the project development and implementation.

How to Apply

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Applicants can apply via given website.

For more information, please visit