Knox County Foundation Grant Program 2021 (United States)

Knox County Foundation Grant Program 2021 (United States)

Deadline: 15-Jan-21

Non-profit organizations serving Knox County residents are invited to apply for grants from the Knox County Foundation through its competitive grant program.

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For more than 75 years the Knox County Foundation, formerly the Community Foundation of Mount Vernon/Knox County, has awarded grants and scholarships from a variety of unrestricted, donor-advised, and designated funds.


As a group, these awards reflect the diversity of charitable interests defined in the Foundation’s mission statement:

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To improve the quality of life in Mount Vernon and Knox County through charitable giving;
To provide a vehicle for donors of varied interests to support charitable and community activities;
To assess and respond to emerging and changing community needs in the fields of education, youth services, recreation, health, arts and culture, social services, and civic and community development;
To develop a permanent endowment for the community, and to serve as a catalyst for the initiation of vital projects.
Funding Information

The Major Grant Application applies to requests for projects of $5,000 or more.
Grants of lesser amounts may be sought using the abbreviated Small Grant Application.
Foundation Priorities

The Foundation seeks to maximize its impact in the community and has adopted the following strategic priorities to guide its grantmaking. Proposals that address one or more of these priorities have a greater likelihood of receiving funding. They are listed here in no particular order of importance.

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A pilot project which can serve as a model of excellence in the community.
A project which proposes a creative solution to an identified, but unmet need, in the community.
A project or program which encourages volunteer involvement.
A project that is a collaborative effort among nonprofit organizations in the community and will eliminate duplication of services.
A project which is likely to make a clear difference in the quality of life for a substantial number of people.
A project which promotes economic vitality in the community.
Eligibility Criteria

Grants are made to tax-exempt private agencies classified as 501(c)(3) organizations, and to public charities as defined by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.
Public schools, governmental entities, and Knox County colleges and universities are also eligible to apply for Foundation grants.
Prospective applicants are urged to contact the Foundation before preparing an application if there is a question concerning eligibility, as proof of eligibility must be provided to the Foundation before grants are considered.
Certain projects and organizations are generally not eligible for funding, including but not limited to:
Grants to individuals or projects where facilities or equipment of non-qualifying entities are improved or benefitted.
Routine operating or payroll expenses.
Projects/Programs that are restricted to members of a particular faith community or promote a specific religious doctrine.
Purchase of computers, unless proven to be used solely for the project/program.
Paying off existing obligations, debts, or liabilities.
Travel (when it is the proposal’s primary focus).
Projects which have been completed prior to allocations decisions.
Organizations that do not operate programs in Knox County, or for the benefit of Knox County residents.
Political campaigns.
For more information, visit

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