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IFRC recruits 01 Coordinator Pmer


IFRC recruits 01 Coordinator Pmer

Closing date (Geneva time zone):26-07-2019
Duty station:Yaounde
Duty station status: N/A
Accompanied status: N/A
Duration:06 mois
Category of Staff: National Staff
Grade: Not applicable
Vacancy No:IFRC03225
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is the world’s largest humanitarian organization, with 190 member National Societies. As part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, our work is guided by seven fundamental principles; humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity and universality.
Organizational Context
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC or “the Federation”) is the World’s largest volunteer-based humanitarian network. The Federation is a membership organization established by and comprised of its member National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Along with National Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the Federation is part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. The overall aim of the IFRC is” to inspire, encourage, facilitate, and promote at all times all forms of humanitarian activities by National Societies with a view to preventing and alleviating human suffering and thereby contributing to the maintenance and promotion of human dignity and peace in the world.” It works to meet the needs and improve the lives of vulnerable people before, during and after disasters, health emergencies and other crises. The Federation is served by a Secretariat based in Geneva, with regional and country offices throughout the world. The Secretariat is led by the IFRC Secretary General and provides the central capacity of the International Federation to serve, connect, and represent National Societies. The Secretariat’s focus includes providing support to the IFRC governance mechanisms; setting norms and standards; providing guidance; ensuring consistency; coordination and accountability for performance; knowledge sharing; promoting collaboration within and respect for the RCRC Movement; and expanding engagement with partners. The Secretariat’s headquarters is organized in three main business groups: (i) Partnerships, including Movement and Membership; (ii) Programs and Operations; and (iii) Management. The Secretariat has five regional office, as follows: Americas (Panama City); Africa (Nairobi); Asia/Pacific (Kuala Lumpur); Europe (Budapest); Middle East and North Africa (Beirut)..
Job Purpose
The Regional PMER Coordinator Central Africa is responsible for coordinating the planning, monitoring and evaluation and reporting for the programmes covered by the Cluster and provides technical assistance and support to IFRC Project Managers and Red Cross National Societies (NS) in emergency operations and development programmes, as well as National Society PMER capacity building in Central Africa. The position holder also provides translation support as requested, and coordinates translation services.
Job Duties and Responsibilities
The selected candidate shall have the responsibility to coordinate the following activities:
Provide technical assistance in program planning and annual reviews and the review of all relevant documents such as the logic model, performance measurement framework, which includes indicators as well as monitoring and evaluation plan; risk registers, annual work plans and project implementation plans
Develop capacity in these areas within Central Africa
Coordinate the effective implementation of needs assessments or gap analysis where required in project cycle
Coordinate the effective implementation of baseline surveys and barrier analysis as required in projects
Develop and implement a harmonized planning, monitoring, evaluation and reporting system within Central Africa IFRC and program teams (staff and volunteers)
Develop processes/procedures and tools that support the data collection and analysis in a quality and credible manner
Ensure cross cutting issues (gender equality, governance and environmental sustainability); lessons learned and best practices are being integrated into projects/operations and plans
Ensure continuous and effective learning and improvement throughout projects/Operations implementation
Support IFRC and NS staff/volunteers in the development or enhancement of monitoring plans and systems.
Support the design/development and maintaining of project Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) systems to ensure smooth measurement of the indicators identified in the various projects/programmes proposals. Specifically, support the design/review and implementation of data collection systems to measure the indicators; the design and maintenance of an electronic data management system; and lead data analysis
Provide the necessary training and coaching to staff and volunteers on how to use the data collection tools.
Ensures that projects and Operations have systems to aggregate, store and manage data coming from different locations
Inform the project and Operations managers on the progress based on the findings of data analysis and recommend necessary adjustments to implementation plans.
Support IFRC staff and NS in the execution of mid-project surveys.
Develop knowledge management and learning mechanisms among IFRC and NS staff
Design and lead the documentation process of lessons learned and best practices
Participate in the design and management of evaluations activities for the Central Africa Cluster Support team, including hiring of consultants where required, and maintain and update a calendar of evaluations
Participate in mid- term and final project evaluations including operational audits of project/program activities when required. Contribute to the development of terms of references, inception reports and data collection tools. Review and provide feedback to draft evaluation reports
Ensure effective and concrete participation of NS staff and volunteers in the ongoing evaluation of projects, and their implication in formal evaluations. Develop tracking mechanisms for implementation of the recommendations from the evaluation and report the status on a regular basis.
Develop and maintain a reporting calendar for IFRC and NS in Central Africa
Provide technical assistance to IFRC program team and Central Africa NS in results-based reporting
Lead the preparation of projects narrative reports
Support the Central Africa Cluster Support Team in the development of monthly regular operational reports.
Capacity building
In collaboration with NS PMER counterparts, identify M&E training needs of project staff and volunteers
Contribute to increasing the technical capacity of NS staff in the area of planning, monitoring, evaluation and learning
Organize and conduct refresher trainings on PMER for project and NS staff as needed
Support IFRC and NS in annual program and departmental planning and review processes
Provide technical support and advice to NS PMER counterparts on an ad hoc basis.
 Serve as line manager to the in-house translator
Ensure quality checks on translations outsourced to external translators
Translate documents from and into French, English and Spanish where possible, and as requested
Liaise and build a relationship with other existing translators/ interpreters / cultural mediators from other organisations
The role holder will need to carry out any other tasks requested by the line manager relevant to this role. They might also be expected to be on call, work on weekends or difficult hours on an ad-hoc or emergency basis
Master’s degree in Translation studies, or equivalent combination of education and work experience in an English/French/Spanish speaking context
at least five years in PMER services
Knowledge, skills and languages
Strong communication skills (written and spoken) in English, French or Spanish.
Good attention to detail and analytical skills.
Understanding and sensitive to the needs of people from a variety of backgrounds and cultures, including a strong commitment to confidentiality.
Able to be flexible and deal with emotional stress, and to seek support when needed.
Quick to respond to queries and referrals as and when needed and able to manage a varying workload.
Cultural awareness and ability to build relationships quickly with a wide variety of people.
Patient, adaptable, flexible, able to improvise and remain responsive and communicate clearly and effectively under pressure.
Strong communication (written and spoken), and interpersonal skills in English, with experience in working in multicultural teams.
Competencies and values
Self-accountable for making decisions, managing resources efficiently, achieving and role modelling Red Cross values
Sets ambitious and challenging goals for themselves, takes responsibility for their own personal development and encourages their team to do the same.
Widely shares their personal vision for Red Cross, engages and motivates others,
Future oriented, thinks strategically and on a global scale.
Builds and maintains effective relationships, with their team, colleagues, Red Cross branch members and external partners and supporters
Values diversity, sees it as a source of competitive strength
Approachable, good listener, easy to talk to.
Develops and encourages new and innovative solutions
Honest, encourages openness and transparency; demonstrates highest levels of integrity.
Gender approch can be consider in this recrutment. Femal candidature are encouraged.
The Federation is an equal opportunity employer.