HI recruits 01 Project Manager
Outraged by the injustice faced by people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, we aspire to a world of solidarity and inclusion, enriched by our differences, where everyone can live in dignity. For further information about the association: http://www.handicap-international.org CONTEXT: Handicap International (HI) started its activities in Iraq in 1991. HI has currently 4 offices in Iraq: HI’s strategy in Iraq for 2017-2019 includes 3 main components: In Kirkuk governorate, HI launched an emergency intervention in August 2015. HI’s current activities in Kirkuk include: With the steady positive evolution of the security context in Kirkuk governorate and specifically in Hawija district, HI has been able to launch several activities in Hawija from October 2018 such as psychosocial activities (direct intervention + training of practitioners), physical rehabilitation services, mine risk education and collaboration with a large consortium of other NGOs on inclusion and support to civil society. YOUR MISSION: Under the line-management of the Field Coordinator, the Project Manager main responsabilities will be: – To ensure efficient implementation and quality of the Victim Assistance and Risk Education activities, including operational, financial and logistical aspects of the project. 🚀Annonces pour Nos Partenaires !Créez votre site web professionnel à un prix imbattable avec 3Vision-Group. Découvrez l'OffreCommandez une application mobile sur mesure et transformez vos idées en réalité ! Commandez MaintenantA complete job description will be shared with shortlisted candidates. YOUR PROFILE: Qualifications: Experience: Skills: Personal qualities:
CONDITIONS: • Starting date: September 2019 |
Ville | Kirkuk |
Experience | 3 à 5 ans |
Fonctions | Gestion de projets/programmes |
Secteurs d’activité | Gestion crise / post-crise, Autre |
Pays | Moyen Orient, Irak |
Comment postuler | Only online by joining a resume and a cover letter via the following link: |
Postuler en ligne | https://hi.profilsearch.com/recrute/fr/fo_annonce_voir.php?id=3347&idpartenaire=130 |
Date de fin de validité | 19/07/2019 |
HI recruits 01 Project Manager

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