Healthy Communities Foundation’s Grant Program in the US
Deadline: 18-Jun-21
The Healthy Communities Foundation (HCF) is pleased to launch its grant program to reimagine the local health ecosystems rooted in a values-based, community-centered health equity framework for all residents.
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Apply for Project Funding in areas of Art and Culture (Arab Region)
This Call is offering Seed Money to Research Projects in Africa
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Unrestricted Grants for improving Health Equity and reducing Health Disparities among Vulnerable Communities
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USD 1 million Partnership Fund for SDG Impact Projects
Mission: The Foundation is a community-informed grantmaking foundation that seeks to measurably improve the health and well-being of individuals, families and communities in the service region by promoting health equity, quality and access.
Vision: The Foundation envisions that all residents of the communities lead full, healthy and happy lives and enjoy equal life expectancy.
Top Dutch Donors that fund internationally to improve livelihoods in communities
One-time Microgrant for NGO Projects that generate Social Impact. Deadline to apply: 30 June 2021
$15,000-$25,000 Funding for Women and Children living in Extreme Poverty. Deadline to apply: 31 July 2021
Seed Grant for Grassroots Organizations and Women-led Initiatives. Deadline to apply: 31 July 2021
Grants to support NGOs working to end the HIV Epidemic. Deadline to apply: 30 June 2021
Fellows will receive Project and Connect Fund to address Water-related Issues
Apply for Project Funding in areas of Art and Culture (Arab Region)
This Call is offering Seed Money to Research Projects in Africa
Global Humanitarian Initiative seeks applications from anywhere in the world
Unrestricted Grants for improving Health Equity and reducing Health Disparities among Vulnerable Communities
New funding for Small NGOs to fight Infectious Diseases
Grants for Innovative Projects to improve Humanitarian Response
Call for empowering Social Entrepreneurs that are working to achieve the SDGs
This US funding will help NGOs to tackle the Challenges of Coronavirus in 2021
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Commandez MaintenantUSD 1 million Partnership Fund for SDG Impact Projects
Current and potential partners must demonstrate that their proposed work aligns with at least one of the categories below and has a meaningful footprint or core population(s) they serve in the region.
ACCESS: Proposals should demonstrate how organizations are innovating to remove physical, financial, and/or cultural barriers to care while highlighting and engaging on upstream solutions.
ADDRESS: Proposals should demonstrate how organizations focus on creating more equitable, inclusive, and just communities while meaningfully improving community health by addressing social determinants of health.
ADVOCATE: Proposals should share how organizations center and contribute to the leadership, expertise, and solutions of communities and individuals most impacted by the inequities they seek to address. Organizations must have a track record of cultivating deep, meaningful relationships in community.
AUGMENT: Proposals should share how organizations have developed intentional partnerships to ensure that public health data can live and belong in communities and how those relationships have led to community-led inquiry, improved data collection, and outcomes reporting.
The Foundation does Not fund
Capital campaigns
Government Entities
National organizations not focused on the service region
Partisan political activities
Religious activities
School Districts & Individual Schools (including PTOs)
Operating foundations not directly connected to community-based efforts
Eligibility Criteria
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501(c)3 nonprofit organizations. Organizations that are not tax exempt may apply with a fiscal sponsor.
At least 20% of the total individuals served by the applying nonprofit organization must live in the Healthy Communities Foundation service region. Organizations whose work extends beyond service area are considered if they demonstrate strong alignment with the grantmaking strategy and implement their work in close partnership with local communities.
For organizations with operating budgets greater than $20 million, including but not limited to hospitals and university systems, they will only award Project Support grants for initiatives that demonstrate strategic partnership and strong commitment to local communities in the region.
For more information, visit