Grants to Support for Technical Excellence and Private Sector Sustainability in Vietnam

Grants to Support for Technical Excellence and Private Sector Sustainability in Vietnam

Deadline: 01-Jul-21

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is seeking applications for a cooperative agreement from qualified entities to implement the USAID Support for Technical Excellence and Private Sector Sustainability in Vietnam (STEPS).

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Grants to support NGOs working to end the HIV Epidemic. Deadline to apply: 30 June 2021

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The HIV epidemic rates continue to rise among men who have sex with men in Vietnam, but particularly in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City metro areas. The Government of Vietnam (GVN) aims to end HIV by 2030.

USAID, through STEPS, will support the GVN in achieving its goals by ensuring robust private sector engagement in the national HIV response.

STEPS will sustainably expand the availability and accessibility of high-quality health products and services by employing private sector approaches and partnerships with commercial and for-profit entities.

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Seed Grant for Grassroots Organizations and Women-led Initiatives. Deadline to apply: 31 July 2021

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Increased market growth for private sector HIV goods and services.

The Activity will meet the following high-level objectives:

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Objective 1: Total market for HIV commodities and services strengthened
USAID’s priority results for this objective are:
Facilitate market entry for new products that improve HIV prevention, diagnostics and service delivery.
Scale differentiated HIV-related services and innovations in the private sector.
Provided technical assistance to scale PrEP in the public sector.
Support the VAAC’s national and provincial demand generation priorities.
Provide PrEP services for at least 13,000 PrEP clients annually
Objective 2: Operational and financial sustainability of social enterprise/private sector service providers increased
USAID’s priority results for this objective are:
Support sustainable growth of KP-led social enterprises and clinics through business planning and TA for accreditation.
Technical capacity building for HIV service delivery, adoption of innovations and continuous quality improvement.
Development of administrative and operational tools and processes for private providers, such as health information systems and HR management tools.
Objective 3: Improved enabling environment to support private sector HIV-related goods and services as part of a sustainable national HIV response.
USAID’s priority results for this objective are:
Support the revision of policies, laws and regulations to enable the engagement of the private sector in the HIV response.
Document and share lessons learned and best practices from the private sector in the HIV response.
Provide technical assistance to the public sector to transfer and scale innovations from the private sector.
Support the development of a national PrEP sustainability plan
Funding Information

USAID intends to award one Cooperative Agreement pursuant to this notice of funding opportunity.
Subject to funding availability and at the discretion of the Agency, USAID intends to provide up to $15,000,000.00 in total USAID funding over a five-year period.
Geographic Scope

The Activity will be implemented across priority PEPFAR regions in Vietnam, including the HCMC Metro and NEZ areas, and will be flexible to respond to public health needs as dictated by ongoing data analysis and stakeholder engagement.
The Activity will focus on populations with substantial risk of HIV acquisition, especially disclosed and undisclosed key populations and their partners, their social and sexual networks, and people living with HIV (PLHIV).
Key populations include people who inject drugs (PWID), sex workers (SW), transgender persons, and men who have sex with men (MSM).
Eligibility Criteria

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Eligibility for this NOFO is not restricted.
For more information, visit

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