Grants for Strengthening Civil Society

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Grants for Strengthening Civil Society

Deadline: 1-Oct-21

Applications are now open for Strengthening Civil Society in Developing Countries.


The aim of the scheme is:

Civil society in developing countries has a better ability and capacity to promote:
human rights, democracy, gender equality, environment, climate, agriculture, food security, vulnerable groups and inclusive growth.

Strengthening civil society in line with Norad’s principles for support for civil society, including a partnership model where resources and influence are transferred to locally based partner organizations
Support for civil society shall contribute to vulnerable societies gaining more resilience to meet the health, social, political and economic consequences of covid-19.
The work for a stronger civil society will strengthen respect for human rights, including women’s rights, gender equality and democracy. This is particularly important in light of the fact that human rights and the work for equality are under pressure in many places and that organizations and human rights defenders experience limited room for maneuver, persecution and violence. The same applies to the work to fight against corruption and for the rule of law and good governance.
The grant will promote the fight against all discrimination, including hate speech and anti-Semitism.
Work for climate adaptation and increased food security will be a priority.
Education, with special emphasis on children and young people in conflict areas, is a priority. Support for education is assumed to be maintained at a high level, in line with previous earmarking of NOK 450 million annually.
Priority will be given to the goal that no one should be left out and the work to strengthen the rights of marginalized groups such as people with disabilities, sexual minorities, and religious and philosophical minorities.
Strengthened health services for marginalized groups will continue to be a high priority, with particular emphasis on sexual and reproductive health and rights.
In addition to these main priorities, emphasis is still placed on sustainable management of natural resources, transparency of capital flows and increased tax revenues, together with inclusive economic growth through job creation.
Cooperation with the private sector is encouraged where this can contribute to better results and a more catalytic use of development assistance funds.

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The target group (s) for the scheme are:

Civil society actors in ODA-approved developing countries, as well as the groups they represent and groups that are intended to benefit from planned measures.
Cross-cutting Considerations

The following four cross-cutting considerations must be taken into account in all measures:

Human rights, in particular related to co-determination, accountability and non-discrimination
Women’s rights and equality
Climate and environment
Eligibility Criteria

Potential grant recipients:
Norwegian civil society actors such as voluntary organizations, trade unions, independent media, religious communities and sports organizations.
Grants are not given for:
Measures aimed at target groups in the Western Balkans
Measures implemented by UN organizations, governmental organizations and actors that mainly conduct commercial activities
Preliminary projects
For more information, visit

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