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Gordon Darling Foundation: Providing Funding for Visual Arts Projects


Gordon Darling Foundation: Providing Funding for Visual Arts Projects

Deadline: 30 September 2018

Gordon Darling Foundation is seeking applications for its grant program to provide funding for a range of visual arts projects Australia-wide.

Focus Areas

Funding may be provided for:

  • catalogues and publications
    • that are scholarly
    • that provide a permanent record of an exhibition, collection, artist or movement
    • the Foundation does not fund souvenir or promotional publications
  • exhibition development excluding marketing or promotional costs
  • professional education initiatives including individual professional development
  • research projects
  • symposia

Funding Criteria

  • The Foundation encourages applications from all over Australia.
  • The Foundation is a funder of innovative projects.
  • The Foundation is a funder of projects providing increased access to the visual arts.
  • Projects will be expected to attract considerable public exposure.
  • Projects should demonstrate the highest levels of professional practice.
  • The Foundation may be the sole grant provider or the lead donor or a participant in a collaborative funding with other private and/or public donors.
  • The Foundation will not normally support projects that have been almost fully funded from other sources.
  • Preference will be given to projects which will tour.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The Foundation can only provide funding to Public Institutions in Australia.
  • Individuals wishing to apply for funding for projects are required to partner with a Public Institution which then takes responsibility for the project.
  • The Trustees will normally award only one application per organisation in any given year.

How to Apply

Applications must be submitted via email at the address given on the website.

Eligible Country: Australia

For more information, please visit Gordon Darling Foundation.