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FMS’ Financial support to Grassroots Groups and Organizations in Paraguay

FMS’ Financial support to Grassroots Groups and Organizations in Paraguay

Deadline: 28 November 2019

Fondo de Mujeres del Sur (FMS) is currently inviting applicants for its “Women in High Voice Program: Promoting Political Participation”.


This call seeks to provide financial and technical-political support to grassroots groups and organizations composed and led by rural, indigenous and rural women who seek to strengthen their collective political leadership capabilities, increase their participation in decision-making and strengthen the dialogue with the authorities, in order to influence the development of public and legislative policies that guarantee the extension and full exercise of their rights in Paraguay.

Funding Information

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Applicants may request a donation for a maximum of USD 3,000.


Applicants must submit their projects with a duration of up to 8 months.

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Target Population

Special attention will be given to those proposals that demonstrate a strong work commitment, incorporate the active participation and agendas of women in situations of political, economic, ethnic, racial, social, cultural and territorial exclusion. This may include but is not limited to: peasants; indigenous; blacks / afro-descendants; rural; women from marginalized urban areas; migrants; women workers from precarious and feminized sectors; young women; among other.

Geographic Coverage

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Proposals from grassroots organizations located and working in Paraguay will be financed.

Eligibility Criteria

The proposals must include at least one of the following strategies:

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    • Political participation, communication and dissemination:
      • Communication strategies or campaigns (including social networks) on equal political participation, women’s rights and gender equality.
      • Initiatives that contribute to shorten the digital divide with the other candidates; with the acquisition and management of technologies for political communication at different levels and documentation of experiences.
    • Capacity Development: Training/training instances to strengthen the collective leadership of women and their organizations in matters of human rights, electoral law and participation mechanisms among others, in the face of electoral processes during 2020.
  • Strategic Alliances: Initiatives that promote Generation of multisectoral links and alliances: civil society organizations (CSOs) with public institutions and / or political parties at all levels.
  • Lobby/Advocacy: Strategies that contemplate lobbying, influence, advocacy, activism, defense and advocacy actions before State agencies, at all levels, and other sectors (corporate – media) to claim for women’s rights and gender equality.

Eligible Organizations                

This call seeks to select grassroots organizations of women that are located in Paraguay, whose proposals are aligned with the aforementioned objectives. This category includes emerging organizations, community-based groups and women’s groups in organizations that generally have difficulty accessing international or local financial resources but make important contributions to advance women’s rights at the local level.

    • Legal Status: It is not necessary for them to have legal status.
    • Leadership and Composition: They must be organizations integrated and led by women.
  • Approaches and Philosophy: The main work and analysis or diagnosis of the context in which they intervene should be centered on the rights and empowerment of women, and the equal participation of women in politics.
  • Project and Budget: They must present a relevant project proposal and a coherent budget.

For more information, visit https://www.mujeresdelsur.org/convocatorias/


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