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Expertise france recrute 01 Programme Coordinator


Expertise france recrute 01 Programme Coordinator

EU P2P Export Control Programme for Arms – ATT

On 2 April 2013, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Arms Trade Treaty. This landmark treaty is the first legally binding document designed to regulate the international trade in conventional arms. The treaty was opened for signature on 3 June 2013 and entered into force after the 50th ratification on 24 December 2014.

The ATT aims to establish the highest possible common international standards to regulate legal trade in conventional weapons and to prevent and eradicate the illicit trade in conventional arms and prevent their diversion. Key challenges are its effective implementation by States Parties and its universalisation, bearing in mind that regulating the international arms trade is by definition a global endeavour.

The European Union supports the objectives pursued by the ATT and, in order to contribute to addressing these challenges, its  Council adopted Decision 2013/768/CFSP (1) on 16 December 2013, thereby enlarging the export control-related assistance portfolio of the Union with activities specific to the ATT.

After the completion of a successful first phase between 2014 and 2017, the Council renewed its decision on May 29, 2017 to carry on the EU ATT Outreach Project (ATT-OP). The German Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) and Expertise France (EF) have been mandated to implement this second phase of the EU ATT OP Project (ATT-OP).

Objectives of the EU ATT OP

The main objectives of this programme are to promote the effective implementation of the ATT by supporting beneficiary countries in strengthening their arms transfer control systems and to work towards the universal adoption of the treaty. In order to achieve these goals, this EU project strives to establish and strengthen expertise and arms transfer control capacities in the beneficiary countries and to foster involvement of the relevant national agencies and representatives, as well as regional actors and organisations.

Especially with regard to the universalisation of the ATT, outreach not only to beneficiary countries but also to their neighbours, as well as through regional fora and organisations represents a key component of the actions undertaken within the project.


EU P2P export control programme for dual use goods

In order to combat the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and related materials, equipment and technologies, the EUP2P programme for the dual-use goods aims at enhancing the effectiveness of dual-use export controls worldwide.

Export Controls or, Strategic Trade Controls aim at administering and facilitating the international trade of dual-use goods. Dual-use goods are highly sensitive products and technologies used for either civilian or military applications.

The overall framework for these efforts is set in the EU Global Strategy, the preceding EU Security Strategy (2003, PDF), the EU Strategy against the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and EU regulation No 428/2009 and its amendments.

The EU P2P Programme for dual-use goods contributes to Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) risk mitigation and, as such, it is associated with the EU’s Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Risk Mitigation Centres of Excellence (EU CBRN CoE).

The EU’s cooperation programme on export controls of dual-use goods began in 2004 with only four members, from South East Europe. Today it has expanded to include more than 30 countries from 6 regions.

Thanks to the Programme’s activities and the active engagement of its partners, more than 17 countries have adopted some version of the EU dual-use control list in their national legal frameworks.

Objectives of EU P2P DUG

The programme’s objectives are to transfer EU best practises regarding dual-use trade controls and support third countries to meet their international obligations, most notably the 1540 UN Security Council Resolution’s requirements.

The programme strengthens national and regional capacity, taking into account the balance between security and economic considerations.

Examples of cooperation activities include:

  • support in the drafting of relevant export control legislation
  • provision of training for customs and licensing officials
  • train-the-trainer seminars
  • exchange of good practices
  • general awareness raising among industry
  • case studies and table top exercises

The programme further operates on the basis of peer-to-peer consultations.

 Expertise France is looking for a coordinator for the EU P2P programmes


 Mission’s description

The programme coordinator is responsible for the contracts signed with the European Commission. He/She is in charge of the overall management of the programs including ensuring the achievement of the results sets by the European Union are met, representing the projects with  partners, and validating administrative and financial processes related to these contracts.  . He/she will be responsible for the following activities:

  • Validate and defend together with the technical directors the strategic and technical orientations of the programmes with the European Union;
  • Prepare and lead the project management dialogue process with the European Union (Steering Committee, progress reports and final report);
  • Coordinate the programme teams to achieve the objectives set by the donors
  • Validate the activities and work plans established by the two project teams in collaboration with the technical directors
  • Represent the programmes with national, European and international partners
  • Identify opportunities for coordination with national, regional and international organisations
  • Arbitrate on the budget with the support of the financial programme manager
  • Develop and implement the program communication plan
  • Establish a project monitoring and evaluation plan and update the Logical framework
  • Any other mission entrusted by Expertise France to contribute to the proper implementation of the activities and objectives of the project.

Experience / Training


  • Master’s degree in international relations, political sciences or any other relevant topic.
  • Project Management certification
  • Knowledge of the EU, its functioning and policy
  • Good knowledge and/or working experience in one or several partner countries would be an advantage
  • Fluency in English and French, both written and spoken
  • Leadership skills and team spirit
  • Ability to work independently
  • Proven organisational and communication skills
  • Cross cultural sensitivity
  • Spirit of initiative
  • Computer proficiency


Professional experience :

  • 5 years of experience in international cooperation
  • Experience in project management, including policy planning and implementation processes that require coordination with a wide range of stakeholders.
  • Experience in strategic trade control programmes
  • Working experience in/with one or several of the partner countries would be an asset
  • Several years of professional experience with organising high level international conferences and events.


  • Duration: 8 to 10 months – full time
  • Contract : CDD d’Usage
  • Date of taking up the position : 01/03/2020 imperative