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EU Anti-Corruption Initiative: Inviting Proposals from Ukrainian Registered CSOs

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EU Anti-Corruption Initiative: Inviting Proposals from Ukrainian Registered CSOs

Deadline: 23 July 2018

Applicants are invited to submit their proposals for “EU Anti-Corruption Initiative (EUACI)” with an aim to improve the implementation of anti-corruption policy in Ukraine, thereby ultimately contributing to a reduction in corruption.

The goal of this call for proposals is to support national level civil society organizations (CSOs) within the field of anti-corruption aiming to engage with regional and local level CSOs and civic initiatives fighting corruption to deliver the state reforms, and to implement extensive advocacy and oversight.


The objective of the call for proposal is to support CSOs activities focused on:

  • development and promotion of accountability and transparency mechanisms on national, regional and local level (including corruption prevention, investigation and follow up on corruption cases);
  • asset declaration, conflict of interest prevention, corruption risk assessment;
  • oversight over and monitoring of reforms delivery, effectiveness of public services on national, regional and local level;
  • support to dialogue on state reforms implementation between civil society, government and other stakeholders;
  • anti-corruption advocacy and raising awareness campaign;
  • monitoring of use of public resources for election campaigns, oversight of political parties’ finances and activities;
  • civic education for youth and youth involvement in finding innovative ways to address corruption.

Budget Information

  • Projects must be between EURO 20,000 and EURO 100,000.
  • Please note that grants are contingent upon the availability of funds.

Eligibility Criteria

In order to be eligible for a grant the applicant must:

  • be a legal entity and
  • be a non-profit-making and
  • be a civil society organization and
  • be established in Ukraine.

How to Apply

Applications must be submitted via email at the address given on the website.

Eligible Country: Ukraine

For more information, please visit EU Anti-Corruption Initiative.