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EU announces CFPs to Strengthen the Action of Civil Society in Mexico for the Equal Opportunities for Young People


EU announces CFPs to Strengthen the Action of Civil Society in Mexico for the Equal Opportunities for Young People

Deadline: 9 October 2019

The European Union (EU) is currently accepting proposals from eligible organizations for a program entitled “strengthen the action of civil society in Mexico for the equal opportunities for young people”.

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  • The overall objective of this call is to strengthen the capacity of civil society to promote an innovative way of social cohesion in Mexico through actions that foster social integration and the employment of young people aged 15 to 29 who are most vulnerable and who contribute to the construction of policies public for young people.
  • The specific objectives of this call for proposals are:
    • Promote the labor insertion of young people in situations of material and/or physical precariousness by through agreements between CSOs, private sector companies and / professional organizations.
    • Promote permanent or dual vocational training of young people in precarious situations material and/or physical through agreements between CSOs, companies, professional bodies and/or centers of formation of the public or private sector.
    • Promote access to social services of the Federation, the State or the Municipality of the young people in a situation of material and/or physical precariousness accompanying them in their procedures until they can get effective recognition of their rights.

The final Beneficiaries are the young victims of dropping out of school: pregnant women/mothers, young migrants, young people without resources, young indigenous people and Afro-descendants, young people suffering from deficiencies, chronic diseases, addictions, and violence.


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Priority will be given to proposals that to achieve specific objectives:

  • They propose the implementation of a cascade subsidy mechanism in order to channel financial support to local CSOs present in the territories and thus strengthen their local capacities and initiatives;
  • Develop strategic alliances with companies and/or associations representing the sector business, with educational institutions, with youthassociations;
  • Implement actions with a gender approach based on equal rights and equity of opportunities and with a right-based approach.

Size of Grants

The subsidies requested within this Call for Proposals will be comprised between the following minimum and maximum amounts:

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  • Minimum amount: 800,000 EUR
  • Maximum amount: 1,000,000 EUR

Eligibility Criteria

  • Main applicant
    • In order to qualify for a grant, the principal applicant must:
      • be a legal entity and
      • not be for profit and
      • be a civil society organization that operates independently and responsibly
      • be established in Mexico, a member state of the European Union, or an eligible country as established in the ICD Regulation
      • For British applicants: keep in mind that the criteria for Eligibility for the entire duration of the grant. Unless the rules of Specific eligibility for each sector provide otherwise, if the UK with draws of the EU during the grant period without having reached an agreement with the Union to ensure, in particular, that British applicants remain eligible, will cease receive EU funding (as long as it continues, if possible participate), or applicants will be asked to abandon the project under the agreement of subsidy.
      • be directly responsible, with their co-applicants and other affiliated entities, of the preparation and management of the action and not simply to act as an intermediary
  • Co-applicants
    • The principal applicant may act individually or with co-applicants. In the event that the applicant is established in a country other than Mexico, must necessarily act with a minimum of a co-applicant established in Mexico.
    • The co-applicants will participate in the design and execution of the action, and the costs incurred will be eligible in the same way as those made by the principal applicant.
    • Co-applicants must meet the eligibility criteria applicable to the principal applicant himself.
  • Affiliated Entities
    • The principal applicant and its co-applicant (s) may act with affiliated entities.
    • Only the following entities may be considered entities affiliated to the principal applicant or to the co-applicant (s):
      • Only entities that have a structural link with the applicants (that is, the applicant principal or a co-applicant), especially if the link is legal or capital.
        • This structural link mainly covers two aspects:
          • The control, as defined in Directive 2013/34 / EU on the annual financial statements, the consolidated financial statements and other related reports of certain types of companies:
            • Thus, entities affiliated with an applicant may be:
              • Entities directly or indirectly controlled by the applicant (subsidiaries or subsidiaries of first level). They can also be entities controlled by a controlled entity in turn by the applicant (second level subsidiaries), and the same applies to the following levels of control.
              • Entities that directly or indirectly control the applicants (parent companies).They may also be entities that control an entity that in turn controls the applicant.
              • Entities under the same direct or indirect control as the applicant (associated companies).
        • Accession, that is, the applicant is legally defined as, for example, network, federation or association in which the proposed affiliated entities also participate, or participate in identity (for example, network, federation or association, …) than the proposed affiliated entities.

How to Apply

  • The application procedure consists of two phases:
    • Concept notes
    • Full applications
  • The concept note together with the declaration by the lead applicant must be submitted at the address given on the website.

For more information, please visit and download the guidelines.