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EnCompass recruits 01 Chief of Party, MRCS

Emploi Senegal Doingbuzz
EnCompass recruits 01 Chief of Party, MRCS
Salaire xxx/ mois
Localisation Dakar / Sénégal
Expiration 18 Fevrier 2021
Offre visitée
Description de l’offreChief of Party, MRCS
Chief of Party, MRCS
Job Description
EnCompass seeks Chief of Party (COP) candidates for an anticipated five-year United States Agency for International Development (USAID) monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) support activity to be based in Dakar, Senegal.
It is anticipated this project will provide support to Burkina Faso, Chad, the Gambia, Mauritania, Niger, and potentially other countries within West Africa.

MRCS will provide USAID/Sahel Regional Office with research, performance measurement and management support activities such as monitoring and evaluation (M&E) design, program evaluation design and implementation, sectoral assessments, surveys, special studies and target setting.
This contract would improve performance management at all levels to help the Sahel Regional Office meet Agency requirements, make better informed strategic and management decisions, and advance Agency learning.
In addition to providing overall leadership, management, and technical direction, the COP will have experience working in performance management, organizational development, strategic decision-making, quality control, and project learning, preferably in the USAID context and with Collaboration, Learning and Adapting (CLA) practices.
We are looking for someone who can facilitate learning and build relationships, with high political acumen and strong conflict prevention and management skills.
S/he must be an inclusive leader, who can navigate change with flexibility and emotional resilience.
The ideal candidate will have demonstrated experience focusing on results and impact, with strong strategic vision and an understanding of systems approaches to programming.
S/he will understand how to foster a culture of continuous improvement and learning and will maintain high self-awareness and personal improvement skills.
The position will be full-time and be based in Dakar with travel throughout the region.

Position Duties and Responsibilities
The COP will lead the Activity, providing technical guidance to and supervising both international and national staff and consultants.
The COP will be the primary point of contact with USAID/Senegal staff, including the Contracting Officer and Contracting Officer’s Representation (CO/COR).

Essential functions:
Serve as the main point of contact for the activity, providing vision, direction, leadership, and management for the contract.
Provide technical, operational, and managerial oversight to all aspects of the Activity to ensure all activities, and deliverables are executed with quality and timeliness
Establish and maintain highly collaborative working relationships with the Government of Senegal, USAID/Senegal, the Sahel Regional Office, and USAID/Washington as required, along with relevant in-country stakeholders; serve as the primary point of contact for USAID and as the principal liaison with USAID staff, institutions, and country partners to exchange information and develop professional relationships.
Manage the country team, ensure technical capacity of staff; provide technical assistance and backstopping when required
Ensure that all activities are undertaken in full compliance with EnCompass’ standard operating procedures, USAID policies and regulations, and national policies and laws
Ensure documentation and dissemination of findings, impact, innovations, and lessons learned
Ensure optimal use of human, financial, and physical resources to successfully meet project milestones, objectives, deliverables and targets

Responsible for the overall technical direction of the activity, ensuring quality and timeliness of all deliverables
Promote sustainability of project activities with effective networking, linkages to other programs, capacity building of project staff, and institutional strengthening in support of Senegal’s journey to self-reliance, as defined by USAID

Engage fully as a member of the EnCompass staff team, including participating in staff meetings and other EnCompass events, and providing administrative support to other team members as needed
Other duties as assigned

Position Requirements
Academic Qualifications

Minimum of a Master’s degree in international development/studies, business, statistics, or a related field required
Experience and Skills

Minimum of ten (10) years’ experience in developing performance monitoring systems, data quality control and reporting for USAID projects and systems
Minimum of fifteen (15) years’ experience working in the area of M&E and results-based management
Strong experience with evaluation standards and practices required
Experience working in performance management, strategic decision-making, and project learning
Experience building monitoring, evaluation, and learning capacities of USAID staff, implementing partners, and government counterparts highly preferred
Experience managing complex relationships with a variety of stakeholders, including host country governments at different levels; experience mentoring staff and working with international and national consultants and staff
Substantial experience in managing a team using mixed research methods of similar magnitude
Demonstrated leadership, strategic thinking/planning, management, and presentation skills required
Working knowledge of and experience with USG-funded program management, policies, regulations and procedures
Prior experience managing staff/teams
Strong familiarity with USAID CLA practices, M&E design and principles
Former supervisory experience required
Experience working in West Africa beyond Senegal preferred
Ability to travel regionally
Excellent communication skills in both English and French (written and verbal)

How to Apply
Please submit CV and cover letter and complete the application on the Careers & Consulting page of …
EnCompass LLC is a progressive Equal Opportunity Employer. We promote, celebrate, and support a diverse and inclusive organizational culture and workforce.
We are committed to providing all of our employees with an environment free from discrimination and harassment, where all are treated with dignity and respect.
We do not tolerate, and explicitly prohibit, discrimination or harassment of any kind, at any time, in all aspects of employment.
This includes recruitment, hiring, promotions, disciplinary measures, terminations, compensation, benefits, social and recreational programs, and training.
EnCompass also does not tolerate retaliation against individuals who report discrimination or harassment. Our continuing commitment to the principle of Equal Opportunity Employment for all means all employment decisions are based only on the job requirements, the candidate’s qualifications, and the needs of EnCompass as a business—not on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, belief, sex (including pregnancy and related medical conditions), gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, disability status, veteran status, genetic information, HIV status, family/marital/parental status, or any other status protected by the laws and regulations in the jurisdictions where we work.

Job Requirements
chief of party, USAID, Evaluation Services, Dakar, Senegal, Sahel, West Africa

How to Apply
Please submit CV and cover letter and complete the application online.