Electronic Diversity Visa Program check DV-2021 -2022 Voici le lien


Informations urgentes pour les demandeurs de visas concernant le nouveau coronavirus: 

L’Ambassade américaine l va recommencer à traiter certains visas immigrants et non-immigrants de routine y compris les visas F1, M1 et les visa J1 qui ne sont pas concernés par la Proclamation Présidentielle 10052, les types de visas E, I, O, P, et les visas de fiancé K1, et certains visa immigrants qui ne sont pas concernés par la Proclamation Présidentielle 10014, les I-131A des résidents permanents, et les lettres de transport pour les cartes vertes perdues/volées/mutilées. Les entretiens pour toutes les autres catégories de visa, y compris les visas B1/B2, sont encore suspendus. L’Ambassade américaine au Sénégal continuera à délivrer des visas d’urgence et ceux considérés comme  « mission critical » pour des raisons d’urgence humanitaire, médicale et pour les voyages d’affaires urgents.

Pendant que l’Ambassade a pour objectif d’octroyer les rendez-vous rapidement dans la mesure du possible, les places sont limitées et les demandeurs devront s’attendre à des périodes d’attentes assez longues pour les rendez-vous d’interview. Les frais de visas (MRV) devront être utilisées dans le courant de l’année, à compter de la date de payement, pour prendre un rendez-vous dans le pays ou ils ont été payés. L’ambassade américaine prorogera la validité de ces frais jusqu’au 22 septembre 2022. Si vous avez une urgence et devez voyager immédiatement, veuillez suivre les instructions dans le site https://ais.usvisa-info.com/, ou envoyer un email a [email protected],  ou appeler le numéro +221 776 684 885 ou le +221 776 684 895 (à partir du Sénégal) ou le +1(703) 831 3412 ( à partir des Etats-Unis) pour demander un rendez-vous d’urgence.

Les détenteurs de visas américains doivent connaitre les éventuelles restrictions pour les voyageurs qui transitent par les Etats Schengen (y compris la France, l’Espagne et le Portugal) dans les 14 jours précédant leur arrivée aux Etats-Unis. Ces restrictions ne s’appliquent pas aux citoyens américains, aux détenteurs de la carte verte, aux diplomates et officiels. Veuillez-vous adresser au site du Département de la sécurité intérieure des Etats-Unis pour toutes les restrictions de voyage qui pourrait vous concerner.

Si vous voulez résider aux Etats-Unis, vous devez obtenir un visa d’immigrant (IV)- qui donne la permission d’entrer aux Etats-Unis comme un Résident Permanent (LPR).  L’Ambassade américaine à Dakar traite les demandes de visas d’immigrant pour les pays suivants :

  • Le Sénégal
  • La Gambie
  • La Mauritanie
  • Le Mali
  • La République de Guinée
  • La Guinée-Bissau

Pour faire une demande de visa d’immigrant, un citoyen étranger doit généralement être parrainé par un parent proche américain ou résident permanent légal, ou un employeur américain potentiel, et avoir une pétition dûment approuvée. Le parrain entame le processus par le dépôt d’une pétition au nom du citoyen étranger auprès de US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Vous pouvez consulter notre répertoire des types: de visas sur: usvisas.state.gov pour plus d’information, y compris notre programme de visa de diversité. Ensuite, suivez les étapes sur la procédures dans le même site.

Une fois que l’USCIS a approuvé votre pétition et que vous avez terminé le prétraitement avec le National Visa Center (NVC), ou si vous avez été sélectionné à la Diversity Visa Lottery et avez terminé le traitement avec le Kentucky Consular Center (KCC), veuillez suivre les instructions reçues du NVC ou du KCC, pour plus  d’informations.

Voici le lien https://dvprogram.state.gov/ESC/(S(zh314fnfbsd5fqqn2ap0sm2g))/CheckStatus.aspx





La période d’inscription au programme de la Loterie Visa (DV) 2021 se déroulera du mercredi 2 octobre 2019 à 16 heures (GMT) au mardi 5 novembre 2018 à 17 heures (GMT).

Cette année encore, le Département conduira le programme DV-2020 électroniquement, y inclut l’inscription. Les inscriptions sur papier ne seront pas acceptées. Le site web du Département d’Etat pour la soumission de votre inscription est www.dvlottery.state.gov.

Pour plus d’informations, veuillez passer en revue les informations sur le site de la loterie DV à: https://dvlottery.state.gov/. Les instructions officielles en anglais sont disponibles à l’adresse suivante: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/immigrate/diversity-visa-program-entry/diversity-visa-instructions.html. La version française non-officielle de la loterie 2020 sera disponible très bientôt.

Notez que les candidats qui auront soumis plus d’une demande seront disqualifiés. Pour cette session, il est exigé que le demandeur principal fournisse des informations valides de son passeport. Les candidats qui soumettront d’anciennes photos – de plus de 6 mois seront disqualifiés.

La Loi sur l’immigration de 1990 a établi le programme de Visa de Diversité (DV), au travers duquel 55 000 visas immigrants sont disponibles dans le cadre d’une loterie annuelle, à compter de l’année fiscale 1995. La loterie vise à diversifier la population immigrante aux États-Unis, en sélectionnant les demandeurs issus principalement des pays ayant un faible taux d’immigration vers les États-Unis au cours des cinq dernières années.

Pour postuler pour un visa diversité, suivez les étapes du processus de visa diversité sur usvisas.state.gov. Une fois que vous avez terminé ces étapes, passez en revue les instructions qui vous ont été données par le Centre Consulaire de Kentucky (KCC), ainsi que les informations présentées sur ce site Web, pour plus d’orientation et d’instructions.


Read more: https://www.doingbuzz.com/programme-de-visa-diversite-dv-2021-disponible-sur-doingbuzz/#ixzz6jiaTcIQW





Why don’t you have my case at the NVC yet?

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When you complete a petition (I-130, I-140, etc.) for an immigrant visa, you send it to United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in the Department of Homeland Security for approval. If USCIS approves the petition and you wish to process for a visa outside the United States, USCIS will send you a Notice of Approval (I-797) and send the petition to NVC. It often takes longer for the petition to arrive at NVC than for you to receive your Notice of Approval. Please refer to the NVC processing timeframes page for the most up to date processing times. Once we receive your petition from USCIS, we will give it a unique NVC case number and send you a letter notifying you that we have your petition and what to do next.

I am the beneficiary (applicant) and my case is at NVC. Now what happens?

If a visa is available for your petition (or if the Department of State believes that one will be available in the next several months), NVC will send you, the beneficiary, a letter or email directing you to begin visa pre-processing with NVC. NVC will begin pre-processing your case by asking you to pay the appropriate fees in CEAC. After the appropriate fees are paid, you will be able to submit the necessary immigrant visa documents, including the Affidavit of Support (AOS), application forms, civil documents, and more.

If visas are not available for your visa category, NVC will notify you that NVC received your petition and will hold it until a visa becomes available.

How much are the fees for the National Visa Center’s Services?

For current fee amounts for Immigrant Visa Application Processing, Affidavit of Support Review, and Immigrant Visa Security Surcharge, see Fees for Visa Services.

I am in the United States and would like to adjust my status. How do I do that?

When a visa is available for your petition (or if the Department of State believes that one will be available in the next several months), NVC will send you a letter asking what you plan to do. If you respond that you plan to adjust your status, NVC will hold your file until a USCIS office requests it.

Requests for adjustment of status are processed by USCIS not by NVC. You should contact the USCIS office nearest you for adjustment of status information.

I am adjusting my status with USCIS, what do I do about the fees requested by NVC?

If you are planning to adjust status with USCIS, do not submit any fee payments. Notify NVC of your intent to adjust status and contact the USCIS for further information.

When I filed a petition for my relative I was a Lawful Permanent Resident (green card holder). I recently became a U.S. citizen. How does this affect my family members?

If you filed a petition for your spouse and/or children when you were a lawful permanent resident (LPR) and you are now a U.S. citizen, the type of immigrant visa that your family members can receive will change. When you become a U.S. citizen, you must submit proof of citizenship to the National Visa Center (NVC) so they can update your family member’s visa category. Scan and save one of the below items as a PDF or JPG file. Then send it as an attachment to Public Inquiry Form:

  • A copy of the biodata page of your U.S. passport; or
  • A copy of your certificate of naturalization.

Effect on spouses and minor children: If you filed a petition for your spouse or minor children (under age 21 and unmarried) while you were an LPR, the visa category was family second preference (F2A). When you become a U.S. citizen, NVC will upgrade the petition to an immediate relative (IR) visa category. This benefits your immigrating family member(s) because there are no limits on the number of visas that can be issued each year in the IR categories.

  • Important: If the family second preference (F2A) petition that you filed for your spouse included your minor children, now that you are a U.S. citizen you must file new and separate petitions for each child. This is because children cannot be included as “derivative applicants” on a parent’s immediate relative (IR) visa or petition. (This is different from the family second preference petition, which allows minor children to be included in their parent’s petition.)
  • Children born abroad after you became a U.S. citizen may qualify for U.S. citizenship. They should apply for U.S. passports at the U.S. Embassy/Consulate. The consular officer will determine whether your child is a U.S. citizen and can have a passport. If the consular officer determines your child is not a U.S. citizen, the child must apply for an immigrant visa if he/she wants to live in the United States.

Effect on adult children: If you filed a petition for your unmarried adult children (age 21 or older) when you were an LPR, NVC will change the visa category from family second preference (F2B) to family first preference (F1). However, under a federal law called the Child Status Protection Act (CSPA), visa applicants can “opt out” of conversion to the F1 visa category and remain an F2B visa applicant. This may be beneficial because sometimes the wait time for an F2B visa is shorter than the wait time for an F1 visa. When you naturalize and become a U.S. citizen, you should check the Visa Bulletin to see if it would be helpful for your adult unmarried child to remain in the F2B category. (Applicants keep the priority date of their F2B petition when it converts to the F1 visa category.) Applicants who want to opt-out of conversion to the F1 category must submit a request using these guidelines:

  • Applicants whose case is at NVC should submit requests using NVC’s online inquiry form. NVC will forward the request to USCIS and change the visa category back to F2B upon receipt of USCIS’s approval.
  • Applicants whose case is at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate overseas should ask the embassy to submit a request on their behalf. The consular officer will forward the request and adjudicate the visa application in the F2B category only upon receipt of USCIS’s approval.

Please note that the process to apply for a visa does not differ between the F2B and F1 categories. Visa applicants still need to pay the required fees, complete a visa application, and submit the required civil and financial documents. The only difference is in when their priority date becomes “current,” which is what allows a consular officer to adjudicate and issue an immigrant visa.

I have been waiting for a very long time for my relative to get an immigrant visa. Now there is a family emergency and I need my relative to immigrate soon to the U.S. Can NVC help me?

If a visa is available for your relative’s category, and their case involves a life or death medical emergency, processing of your case may be expedited. To request a review for expedite, please submit a scanned letter (or statement) using the Public Inquiry Form to NVC from a physician (or medical facility). The letter must include the physician’s (or medical facility’s) contact information, and declare a life or death medical emergency exists.

If a visa is not available, unfortunately there is nothing that NVC can do to expedite the petition. Immigrant visa processing is governed by the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, as amended, which controls availability of visas. There is no provision within the law that would allow the Department of State to issue a visa to someone for whom a visa is unavailable.

My relative went for his interview for an immigrant visa at the U.S. Embassy, but was refused. Can NVC review this case?

No, NVC cannot change a visa decision. You should contact the U.S. consular office where the visa case was processed.

My immigrant visa expired before I was able to travel to the United States.  What should I do?

You should contact the Immigrant Visa Unit of the U.S. Embassy or Consulate that issued your visa.  You do not need to file a new petition with USCIS, but you may need to submit a new application (DS-260) and pay another immigrant visa application processing fee.  In addition, you may need to submit new supporting documents, such as a new medical examination and police certificate.  Please be prepared to return your unused, expired visa and visa package (if applicable).  Requests to reissue or replace visas are considered on a case-by-case basis, and all applicants are required to re-establish their eligibility;  there is no guarantee that you will receive a new visa.

I moved. How do I give you my new address?

Please provide your new address using our Public Inquiry Form. Don’t forget to let NVC know if your phone number or e-mail address change, too.

What do I need to do to remove an attorney from my case?

If you no longer want to be represented by your attorney, you must contact NVC in writing using our Public Inquiry Form.

What do I need to do to add an attorney to my case?

If you wish to hire an attorney, please submit a signed form G-28 Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Representative to the National Visa Center (NVC) using our Public Inquiry Form.

What do I need to do to withdraw a case?

To withdraw a petition, you must submit a signed written statement requesting that the petition be withdrawn and explaining the reason to NVC using our Public Inquiry Form. If an attorney or accredited representative submits the request, a G-28, Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Representative, must accompany the request.

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