Creative Communities Fund Grants Programme in Australia

Creative Communities Fund Grants Programme in Australia

Deadline: 21-May-21

The Surf Coast Shire Council is pleased to announce Creative Communities Fund grants programme to help rejuvenate and strengthen the local arts and cultural sector and recognises that many organisations and individuals have been severely impacted by the pandemic, yet have been largely overlooked by other levels of government.

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Early Grant Information for NGOs

The Creative Communities Fund objectives provides opportunities for leading and emerging artists, encouraging initiatives that celebrate Aboriginal cultural heritage and increasing cultural awareness across our region.

The Fund supports the creation of new art works and programming initiatives including:

Grants for Innovative Projects to improve Humanitarian Response

Call for empowering Social Entrepreneurs that are working to achieve the SDGs

This US funding will help NGOs to tackle the Challenges of Coronavirus in 2021

USD 1 million Partnership Fund for SDG Impact Projects

Call for Applications: New Programme focusing on rapid development of Vaccines for protection against new variants

Grassroots International Organizations to receive up to $50,000 under this Grant Cycle

This Program is the answer to the most pressing Questions and compelling Opportunities in Education. Apply Now!

Financial Support for Research Projects that protect and preserve Wildlife

Voluntary Multi-donor Fund offering up to 100,000 USD to NGOs

Apply for a chance to win 2,500 EUR for your Climate Change Story!

This Call is open to accelerate Sustainable Urban Development

Research Grants of up to C$1 million per Women’s Empowerment Projects

SDG Funding of $20,000 is available for Women Empowerment and Gender Equality

Dutch Organisation giving grants to strengthen the skills of Women and Young Girls

This call is open to fund Projects with a Social Impact: Apply Now!

Professional artist fees, art materials or equipment
Costs related to artist-in-residence programs (artist participation or program development) venue hire/equipment and activities associated with exhibitions and performances (including online)
As well as project specific costs such as management and administration including promotion and marketing.

The objectives of the grants are as follows:

To support local Creatives practitioners in the Surf Coast Shire that have been adversely affected by COVID-19
Leverage recovery activities to build and strengthen the creative sector
Adopt the ‘build back better’ approach by ensuring that artists and the creative sector in the Surf Coast Shire
provide opportunities for leading artists to showcase their work
provide the opportunity for emerging artists and art workers to learn from leading artists
encourage initiatives that celebrate Aboriginal cultural heritage & increase awareness
strengthen community connection and wellbeing recovery via the creative and arts sector
simulate post COVID-19 adaptation for an identified growth sector
build capacity, recognition and contribution through targeted investment.
Funding Information

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Grant pool is $100,000
Minor Grants up to $5,000
Major $5,001 to $20,000.
Types of project that may be funded include:

Investment in business training and skills development
Building marketing skills and/or investment in marketing systems
Brand development and strategy
Promotional and marketing campaigns with measurable targets
Investment in digital technologies that aim to create new markets or grow existing markets
Development of an alternative service delivery model
Business continuity planning
Financial management systems
Activities that create local employment
Investment in systems and technologies that reduce energy consumption/costs.
Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for a grant, the applicant business must:

Writing Proposals during Pandemic: A Training Video on Adapting Grant writing during the Coronavirus Pandemic

How NGOs can adopt Donor Prospect Research for Fundraising Success?

Training Video: How to take Lessons Learned from Previous Projects and adapt them for New Proposals
Training Video on Essential Financial Management Skills for NGOs

Training Video on Essential Financial Management Skills for NGOs
Training Video: How to Influence Donors through Your Proposals by Cheryl Hooper

Training Video: How to Influence Donors through Your Proposals by Cheryl Hooper
Training Video: Improving your Chances of Success Grant Writing Skills & Tips 2 – Concept Notes by Cheryl Hooper

Training Video: Improving your Chances of Success Grant Writing Skills & Tips 2 – Concept Notes by Cheryl Hooper
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Training Video: How to use Digital Channels effectively for Fundraising?
Training Video: Improving your Chances of Success Grant Writing Skills & Tips 2 – Concept Notes by Cheryl Hooper
Training Video: How to Develop a Branding and Communication Strategy for Successful Fundraising?

have its principal place of business located within the Surf Coast Shire
hold an active ABN since March 2020 and can demonstrate their main source of income is derived from creative artistic activities
employ 20 people or less
be able to demonstrate financial impacts to your business as a result of lockdowns and restriction from COVID-19
be compliant with all relevant local, state and federal legislation.
For more information, visit

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