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Yoast SEO Premium f...
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Yoast SEO Premium free download

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oast SEO Premium features

  • Get more visitors from Google and Bing
  • Attract more visitors from social media
  • Increase your readers’ engagement

Yoast SEO Premium 21.7 changelog

#### Enhancements

* Removes a superfluous warning in the first time configuration when the site environment is non-production.

#### Bugfixes

* Fixes a bug where an additional `Organization, Person` schema piece would be wrongly generated for author pages when a website representing an organization was set to represent a person different from the author.
* Fixes a bug where the initial state for the website name would be empty when saving the site representation step in the first time configuration.
* Fixes a bug where modifications to the analysis data would not be included in the Insights analysis.
* Fixes a bug where the "view" button for tracking SEO performance would have the wrong size when editing a post in Elementor and Classic editor.

#### Other

* Adds checks to ensure that the plugin has no known incompatibilities with PHP 8.3.
* Improves the discoverability of the security policy.
* Improves the instructions in the first-time configuration so that they're easier to follow.
* Improves the new installation screen layout and design.
* Provides a filter to add a list of shortcodes so they can be parsed and then included in our content analysis in Classic editor.
Posté : 09/03/2024 1:57 pm


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