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Flux Checkout for W...
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Flux Checkout for WooCommerce free download

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Flux Checkout for WooCommerce features

Flux Checkout transforms the default WooCommerce checkout into one that’s lightning fast, distraction-free, and reduces checkout abandonment.

  • Replace the default WooCommerce checkout with one that’s designed to increase conversions.
  • Simplify your checkout process by reducing the number of unnecessary additional fields.
  • Reduce checkout abandonment by keeping your checkout page free from distractions.
  • Choose from our checkout style templates and have your WooCommerce checkout page blend seamlessly with your store.
  • Switch between our optimized checkout designs in just one click.
  • Customize each template’s style with our user-friendly settings.
  • For the best possible user experience, Flux auto-populates all fields once the customer selects their address.
  • Avoid customer frustration by not prompting billing and shipping addresses if unnecessary.
  • Benefit from a quick and easy set-up using a free Google API key to allow instant address search.
  • Replace the default WooCommerce Thank You page with one that’s modern and user-friendly.Customizable so you can add your own text, images, video, and more.
  • Match the look and style of your checkout.
  • Optional customer location map so customers get visual confirmation of their shipping address.
  • Flux doesn’t skip a beat and delivers a quick and easy checkout experience on mobile as well as desktop.
  • Decrease abandoned carts with a checkout process that automatically adjusts sizing and layout to mobile devices.
  • Offer an improved user experience with unique transitions, modals, and more.
  • Your customers will love the collapsible order review. Essential information that doesn’t get in the way of checking out.

Flux Checkout for WooCommerce 2.8.0 changelog

Add filter woocommerce_update_cart_validation [new] Added filter flux_checkout_disabled [update] PHPStan fixes [update] Improve french translations [update] Change breakpoint to 1024, instead of 1023 [update] Allow Street Number field even when autocomplete is disabled [update] Refactor custom details box and add filter flux_checkout_customer_review_details [update] Improve address auto complete for Taiwan addresses [fix] Enable state field in digital mode for tax purposes [fix] Remove loading button class on credit card error [fix] Double error messages shown for Paypal Payment method [fix] Fix Avada Off-screen menu not working issue [fix] Move the woocommerce_after_checkout_billing_form filter to correct location [fix] Use 301 permanent redirect for cart to checkout redirection [fix] Fatal error when product ID is invalid in cart overview [fix] fatal error when % is present in the URL of thumbnail [fix] Extra gap above country field when address autocomplete is disabled [fix] Address autocomplete for Mexico [fix] Issue where delivery slots fields are not validated on step change [fix] Make google address search widget placeholder translatable [fix] Issue where when checkout button resets when already selected payment method is clicked again
Posté : 08/03/2024 2:43 pm


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