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Comic Relief announces “All In, All Learning!” Programme in Uganda


Comic Relief announces “All In, All Learning!” Programme in Uganda

Deadline: 13 January 2020

Comic Relief and UK aid partner to deliver the ‘All In, All Learning!’ Aid Match programme with an aim to improve educational opportunities and outcomes for the poorest and most disadvantaged children, while building stronger and more inclusive education systems in sub-Saharan Africa.

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Comic Relief and UK aid are investing further funds in the All In, All Learning programme to enhance its impact and reach.

Focus Areas

This funding call focuses on accelerating change specifically for children with disabilities and disadvantaged children of pre-primary age. Why?

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  • Promoting early childhood development: Early childhood presents a window of opportunity to make a profound difference in a child’s life. A co-ordinated Early Childhood Development (ECD) approach – encompassing nutrition, health, safety and protection, care and stimulation – is one of the most cost-effective ways to break cycles of inequity and inequality that occur generation after generation. The potential benefits from supporting ECD range from healthy development to greater capacity to learn while in school and increased productivity in adulthood.
  • Supporting children with disabilities: Children with disabilities, and their families, face a range of additional barriers to accessing quality education. Without timely and appropriate early intervention, support and protection, their difficulties can become more severe – often leading to lifetime consequences, increased poverty and profound exclusion.

Funding Information

  • Funding for £200,000 to £500,000 is available for a period of 36 to 42 months.
  • All funded projects must end by 31st January 2024.

Programme Outcomes

The All In, All Learning! Programme Framework has three key outcomes:

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    • Marginalised children are able to access and remain in inclusive, quality education
    • Education systems and staff have the capacity to deliver safe and inclusive, quality education
  • Parents, communities and civil society organisations are actively engaged in strengthening inclusive, quality education

Eligibility Criteria

For this specific opportunity, organisations that are currently delivering work that is specifically benefiting children with disabilities and / or children of pre-primary age are invited to apply, ensuring that they meet the criteria below:

  • Applications can be made by single applicants. Organisations can apply in partnership but a lead partner who will hold the grant must be an organisation originating (and registered) in Uganda.
  • They can only fund organisations that fit in their general income criteria (£75,000 to £10 million).
  • Applicants are welcome to include collaboration with government bodies in their application, but Comic Relief will not fund government organisations.
  • They expect all applicants to consider how funding could be used to strengthen their organisational capacity (and that of their partners) and to include budget dedicated to building their capacity. This may be for specific activity costs or allocations to core / indirect costs.
  • Lead applicants and all partners must have policies and practices in place that keep children and vulnerable adults they work with safe. (Funding can be used to help strengthen policies and practice to meet DFID’s Enhanced Due Diligence Standards for Safeguarding.)

What they will fund:

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  • They will invest in organisations whose work is both delivering change for individual children, and, critically, is contributing to systems-level change through working in partnership with government, civil society partners and communities.
  • They are interested in investing in work specifically meeting the needs of children with disabilities and/or disadvantaged children of pre-primary age.
  • They are looking to invest in organisations that:
    • demonstrate:
      • a deep understanding of the barriers preventing progress for children with disabilities and / or disadvantaged children of pre-primary age being made towards the three Outcomes above
      • an understanding of the policies and resources that are required to make systems more inclusive and responsive to children with disabilities and / or children of pre-primary age.
    • have a track record of successfully supporting children’s development in their early years and facilitating a positive transition to primary education. More specifically, they will invest in organisations that are fostering cross-sectoral collaboration and ensuring quality education-focused interventions are part of broader, holistic ECD efforts (as recommended in the Nurturing Care Framework), from community to national level in Uganda.
    • have a track record of successfully supporting children with disabilities to access a quality education – this will likely include work to address stigma and discrimination, strengthen supportive technologies and services (e.g. assistive devices, adapted learning materials, trained teachers and support services) and improve children’s access to this specialist, tailored support.
    • meaningfully involve children, their parents/carers, teachers, and community members in the design, delivery and review of their work.
    • value working in partnership with other organisations and are willing to participate in a national Learning Network to share their experience, learn from their peers, and be open to collaborate in joint action for greater impact.

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