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City of North Vancouver seeking Proposals for Community Grants Program


City of North Vancouver seeking Proposals for Community Grants Program

Deadline: 29-Jan-21

The City of North Vancouver is seeking proposals for the Community Grants Program to support not-for-profit organizations serving North Vancouver (both City and District) residents.

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Sample Proposals

Deadline-Free Grants

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Early Grant Information for NGOs

The City and District of North Vancouver provide these grants in order to:

To provide local government endorsement to better attract funding from more senior levels of government, donors, and foundations;
To assist groups with the delivery of services which work to reduce social, economic or physical disadvantage; and/or which improve the quality of life for residents;
To serve vulnerable and hard to reach populations in areas where the municipalities do not provide services;
To effect positive social change;
To provide seed money to enable quick responses to changing and / or unmet community needs.
Funding Information

The maximum grant available from the City of North Vancouver is $15,000.

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Submit Inspiring Projects that drive Long-term Economic, Social, and Environmental Sustainability

Eligibility Criteria

The organization applying for a grant must be:

A not-for-profit with a BC Society No. and/or Charitable Registration No.
Providing services to residents of the municipality(ies) from which funding is requested.
Seeking sources of funding other than North Vancouver Municipal Community Grants.
Able to provide proof of financial responsibility (latest financial statement).
For more information, visit