City of Tea Tree Gully: Community Grants Program (Australia)

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City of Tea Tree Gully: Community Grants Program

Deadline: 15-Jul-22

The City of Tea Tree Gully is seeking applications for its Community Grants Program to support by providing financial grants to community groups and not-for-profit organisations that provide a benefit to the wider community.

Grant Categories

The purpose of the Community Grants program is to assist eligible groups and organisations with a grant from one of the following four categories.
Category: Community development Maximum $8,000 for:
The establishment or expansion of a community development activity, program or project that is primarily focused on participation and inclusion of local residents in community life
Projects and programs that focus on the development of local communities
Aim to build people’s skills to benefit community projects
Encourage participation and offer innovative approaches to meet community needs.
Category: Equipment Maximum $3,000 for:
The purchase of equipment that relates directly to and supports a successful community development activity, program or project.
Category: Community events Maximum $2,500 for:
Support events held within the City of Tea Tree Gully, with broad appeal to both local and the wider community, that celebrate significant occasions, encourage cultural diversity or brings communities together
Funding is calculated on predicted attendance numbers:
0–200 up to $500
201–800 up to $1,500
Over 800 up to $2,500.
Category: Community environment Maximum $2,000 to:
Protect and enhance the local environment and promote sustainable living projects, activities and programs relating to:
Waste minimisation
Water and energy use
Natural resource management
Environmental education.

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Strengthen community groups through community based social activities, events and support programs
Support and encourage volunteering
Encourage participation in community life including taking part in leisure, arts and culture, learning, sport and recreation opportunities
Support and promote healthy lifestyles within the community
Support a safe living environment for the community
Encourage and support learning opportunities
Support and celebrate cultural diversity
Attract minor capital works or purchases that support ongoing community environmental management activities, programs or project
Encourage collaboration, partnerships and sharing resources
Generate a positive image of the City of Tea Tree Gully
Eligibility Criteria

Non-for-profit incorporated community or sporting group/organisation
Community/sporting group or organisation auspiced by an incorporated body
Located within the City of Tea Tree Gully area and/or primarily serve City of Tea Tree Gully residents
Has a limited capacity to raise funds from other sources
Has not received a Community Grant from the City of Tea Tree Gully in the previous 12 months
Has no outstanding debt owing to the City of Tea Tree Gully
Has acquitted any previous successful grants from the City of Tea Tree Gully
Unincorporated body with no Auspice
Profit making organisations including commercial entities, businesses and sole traders
An individual
Grant application is similar to your organisation’s/group’s previous successful application
Already receiving funding from the City of Tea Tree Gully for events, activities, programs or projects
For more information, visit
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