Caribbean Vulnerable Communities: Mini Grants for CSOs in Belize, Suriname and Trinidad & Tobago

Caribbean Vulnerable Communities: Mini Grants for CSOs in Belize, Suriname and Trinidad & Tobago

Deadline: 25-Mar-21

The Caribbean Vulnerable Communities Coalition (CVC) is pleased to announce funding for small grants to support Advocacy Campaigns inclusive of associated/related actions in support of key population groups, specifically women and girls, transwomen, and men who have sex with Men.

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Early Grant Information for NGOs

Areas of Interest

The campaign should focus on the following general areas:

SDG Funding of $20,000 is available for Women Empowerment and Gender Equality

Dutch Organisation giving grants to strengthen the skills of Women and Young Girls

This call is open to fund Projects with a Social Impact: Apply Now!

Funding Schemes for Large and Small-scale Projects helping to tackle Climate Change

Core Support Grants for Feminist Groups and Initiatives

Youth Initiative to enhance Peace and Security and Improve Democratic Governance in Africa

NGO Grants to advance Maternal, Child Health and HIV/AIDS Outcomes

Faith-based Foundation Funding for Construction Projects and Purchase of Books, Computers, Vehicles and Medical Equipment

Human Rights Grant Oppportunity ($200,000 CAD and $500,000 CAD) for LGBTQ2I Communities

International Funding for Cultural Heritage Preservation Projects

Small Grants to conserve the Forest for Sustainable Development

Joint Call for addressing Human Rights Issues and promoting Peace

Funding Call for NGO Projects that strive to make a Social Impact

Turn your Environmental Project Idea into a Reality with up to €10.000 Grants: Apply Now

Turn your Environmental Project Idea into a Reality with up to €10.000 Grants: Apply Now

To improve laws and policies focused on GBV and/or IPV or to promote the development of strong zero-tolerance policies.
Strengthening the health sector’s response to GBV and IPV including screening for abuse, risk assessment, providing medical care, counseling referrals to a network of service providers, and community-focused prevention initiatives.
To improve intersectoral coordination and monitor progress in developing national plans and policies on violence – creates commitment and political space for dialogue between civil society and the state e.g. scorecards.
Development of community-based networks for coordinating services to victims, improving access to justice, and promoting violence prevention – to enhance the quality of care provided to survivors, and help mobilize public support for survivors and decrease tolerance of violent behavior e.g. coordination meetings.
Community-based educational activities to:
increase knowledge of legal and social rights and empower persons to seek help for abuse;
promote community-wide changes in attitudes and practices related to gender norms and violence-related attitudes and behaviors against select KP groups.
Social media campaigns designed to document disseminate and promote services for survivors of GBV and IPV provided through multi-sectoral initiatives include telephone hotlines, emergency shelters, police intervention, legal assistance, counseling, psychological care, support groups, income-generation programs, etc.
Funding Information

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Each organization may apply for an award of a maximum of US $5,000 USD to support project-related costs for up to four (4) months.
Allocations for salaries, stipends, incentives, and overheads should not exceed 40% of the total budget for the grant.
Eligibility Criteria

Civil Society Organizations serving key populations that are based in Belize, Suriname, and Trinidad & Tobago.
Review Process

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All proposals will be considered and reviewed by a Committee, which will take into account the organization’s past grant performance and proposal for strengthening or expanding its current work.

Project proposals will be reviewed and scored against the criteria outlined below:

Relevance: Are objectives based on good evidence as to which kinds of interventions are most effective? Does the project target a clear population or sub-population? (e.g. transgender sex workers, as opposed to sex workers in general).
Efficiency: Are available financial and other resources (including collaboration and resource-sharing with partners and volunteer contributions of labour, expertise, and material) being used to good advantage? Does the project use resources creatively and get the biggest “bang for the buck?”
Sustainability: Does the proposal identify how the project’s outcomes/outputs will be sustained in the future, beyond CVC support?
Rights-focused: Is the project rights-based? Does it promote the human rights of vulnerable groups? Does it make reference to the international human rights framework?
Leverage: Will this grant result in outside support or government buy-in?
Strength of plan and measurable outcomes: Does the proposal have a clearly defined plan of action with measurable outcomes for success?
Documentation: Does this proposal include a reasonable plan for communicating the project’s successes and the lessons learned?
Partnerships/Collaborations: Does the project reflect collaboration between multiple groups, especially those with different levels of capacity and expertise including government?
For more information, visit

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