CAPE Grant Program in the US
Deadline: 16-Oct-21
The Community Foundation of Grant County is pleased to launch CAPE Grant Program that aims to financially support Grant County, Indiana organizations that offer career exploration experiences, provide career guidance and counseling, and encourage workplace internships and job shadows.
Community Health Services
Mental Health Services
Health Services Coordination
Community Education on Relevant Issues
Educational Opportunities for Local Charities
Collaborative School Projects/Programs
Youth Philanthropy Programs
Community Development
Arts and Cultural Development
Community Parks
Community Beautification
Improvement/Enhancement Projects
Economic Development Efforts
Neighborhood Associations
Human Services
Elderly Services
Children and Youth Services
Youth Advancement
Human Services Coordination
What do they Fund?
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Commandez MaintenantAlthough they expect to remain flexible in the grantmaking decisions, the Community Foundation traditionally addresses needs that fall into the categories of Health, Education, Human Services, Community Development, and Fields of Interest.
Grant Proposals written in collaboration with community partners are both encouraged and appreciated.
What types of programs are ineligible for funding?
Political activity
Profit making enterprises
Projects/programs that benefit a specific church
They do not grant to individuals
Any organization with an outstanding grant report due to the Community Foundation from a previous grant.
Eligibility Criteria
The Community Foundation of Grant County gives grants to non-profits, community entities, and college-bound students here in Grant County.
For more information, visit