Canada: 2021-22 Seniors Community Grant Program
Deadline: 15-Jul-21
The Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility is inviting proposals for the 2021-22 Seniors Community Grant (SCG) Program to support projects that enable local not-for-profit community groups and organizations to deliver programs and opportunities that encourage greater social inclusion, volunteerism and community engagement for older adults (aged 55+).
Open Call for Young Leaders advancing SRHR. Deadline to apply: 15 July 2021
Human Rights Initiative for supporting Women ($20,000 Grants). Deadline to apply: 1 September 2021
Top Dutch Donors that fund internationally to improve livelihoods in communities
One-time Microgrant for NGO Projects that generate Social Impact. Deadline to apply: 30 June 2021
$15,000-$25,000 Funding for Women and Children living in Extreme Poverty. Deadline to apply: 31 July 2021
Seed Grant for Grassroots Organizations and Women-led Initiatives. Deadline to apply: 31 July 2021
Grants to support NGOs working to end the HIV Epidemic. Deadline to apply: 30 June 2021
Fellows will receive Project and Connect Fund to address Water-related Issues
Apply for Project Funding in areas of Art and Culture (Arab Region)
This Call is offering Seed Money to Research Projects in Africa
Global Humanitarian Initiative seeks applications from anywhere in the world
Unrestricted Grants for improving Health Equity and reducing Health Disparities among Vulnerable Communities
New funding for Small NGOs to fight Infectious Diseases
Grants for Innovative Projects to improve Humanitarian Response
Call for empowering Social Entrepreneurs that are working to achieve the SDGs
The ministry has identified four priority areas to support older Ontarians across the province:
Age at home and in communities
Be safe and secure
Remain healthy, active, and socially engaged
Participate in the labour market and economy as they wish.
Open Call for Young Leaders advancing SRHR. Deadline to apply: 15 July 2021
Human Rights Initiative for supporting Women ($20,000 Grants). Deadline to apply: 1 September 2021
Top Dutch Donors that fund internationally to improve livelihoods in communities
One-time Microgrant for NGO Projects that generate Social Impact. Deadline to apply: 30 June 2021
$15,000-$25,000 Funding for Women and Children living in Extreme Poverty. Deadline to apply: 31 July 2021
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Commandez MaintenantSeed Grant for Grassroots Organizations and Women-led Initiatives. Deadline to apply: 31 July 2021
Grants to support NGOs working to end the HIV Epidemic. Deadline to apply: 30 June 2021
Fellows will receive Project and Connect Fund to address Water-related Issues
Apply for Project Funding in areas of Art and Culture (Arab Region)
This Call is offering Seed Money to Research Projects in Africa
Global Humanitarian Initiative seeks applications from anywhere in the world
Unrestricted Grants for improving Health Equity and reducing Health Disparities among Vulnerable Communities
New funding for Small NGOs to fight Infectious Diseases
Grants for Innovative Projects to improve Humanitarian Response
Call for empowering Social Entrepreneurs that are working to achieve the SDGs
The 2021-22 SCG Program will support these priorities by funding projects that will:
Promote and support age-friendly community development (e.g., develop an agefriendly local action plan or opportunities for intergenerational engagement).
Strengthen the safety and well-being of older adults (e.g., delivery of programs about falls prevention or elder abuse awareness / prevention).
Adapt and deliver programs and services to isolated older adults either virtually (e.g., internet or telephone-based programs) or in-person (following provincial guidelines) so they can stay active and socially engaged.
Create safe opportunities for older adults to network and increase engagement in community labour markets through virtual mentoring, volunteerism, and training to support entrepreneurship.
Funding Information
A total investment of $5 million in 2021-2022 will allow non-profit organizations, community groups and municipalities to receive funding ranging from $1,000 up to $25,000 for local projects.
Eligibility Criteria
Eligible applicants must:
Be not for profit.
Be community-oriented organizations or groups that contribute to the well-being of local older adults.
Represent seniors’ groups and/or offer programs or services that directly benefit older adults living in Ontario.
Be registered in Transfer Payment Ontario.
Eligible applicants include:
Indigenous groups
Local service boards
Individuals who represent seniors’ groups
Unincorporated or incorporated non-profit organizations
For more information, visit