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Call for Proposals for Nonprofit Reemergence Grant Program in US

Grants Opportunities

Call for Proposals for Nonprofit Reemergence Grant Program in US

Deadline: 30-Jun-21

The Community Foundation of North Central Washington is pleased to launch a call for proposals for the Nonprofit Reemergence Grant, it is a temporary grant program to support 501(c)3 charitable organizations located in Chelan, Douglas, and Okanogan counties as they recover from the current public health crisis and adapt their operations for future viability.

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Early Grant Information for NGOs

Reemergence Grants are intended for:
General Operating Support
Support for Mergers
Funding Information
Organizations may request funding for up to 10% of their current organizational budget with a maximum grant request of $20,000.
Eligibility Criteria
Grants are only for 501(c)3 public charities that both serve and are located in Chelan, Douglas, and Okanogan counties (nonprofits serving the Methow Valley should apply for the Methow Valley Fund).
Government entities (including public education institutions), fiscally sponsored programs, and all other organizations without 501(c)3 tax exempt status are not eligible for this grant opportunity. Faith based organizations must meet CFNCW’s policy in order to be eligible for community grants (see Grant Guidelines and Policies).
Organizations who receive a Helping Hands Grant 2.0 are not eligible for Nonprofit Reemergence Grants.
Organizations who receive a Nonprofit Reemergence Grant award are not eligible to apply in a future Reemergence funding round.
Grantees who received a 2019 Regional Impact Grant are eligible to apply for a Nonprofit Reemergence Grant (typically RIG grantees must wait one year before reapplying, but the Regional Impact Grant Program is currently on hold).
If applying for support for a Merger, each nonprofit organization that is involved can apply for a Nonprofit Reemergence Grant.
Grant funds must be expended within one year of award date.
Final grant reports will be required to be submitted 45 days after the close of the grant period indicated on the Grant Agreement.
The Board of Trustees is responsible for final grant decisions and authorizes distribution of grants pursuant to these and other guidelines established by the Community Foundation.
For more information, visit