Bulgaria: 2nd Call for Proposals – Welfare Technology, Small Grant Scheme
Deadline: 12-May-21
European Economic Area (EEA) has announced the 2nd call for proposals for the Welfare Technology, Small Grant Scheme to increase value creation and sustainable growth in the Bulgarian business sector. The Programme seeks to stimulate and develop long-term business cooperation between Norway (hereafter referred to as “the Donor State”) and Bulgaria, based on business development and innovation.
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The target group of the Programme are Bulgarian enterprises in the private sector (SMEs and large enterprises), but especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It is not mandatory to have partners in the projects, but Partnership Projects are encouraged and will be awarded additional points during the assessment.
Funding Information
The minimum amount of grant assistance applied for shall be EUR 50,000
The maximum amount of grant assistance applied for shall be EUR 200,000.
Eligible Activities
USD 1 MILLION Grants for Innovative Solutions to combat Water Scarcity
Climate Fund to alleviate energy poverty in Developing Countries
This Request for Applications is open to strengthening the Economic Development Efforts
Grants for African CSOs to implement activities in SGBV, SRHR, HP, and VAWG
Small Research Grants for the improvement of education
This grant-making trust inviting Charities to help Socially Disadvantaged Groups during COVID-19
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Commandez MaintenantSupport available for NGOs working on social innovation, inclusiveness and sustainability
Advocacy grants to strengthen the voice of communities and grassroots activists
USD $250,000 to $2 million funding available for each selected partner to address Covid-19 impact in select countries
Funding provided through capital support for community development projects
Endowment Funding of € 25,000 for young people fighting for freedom
Small Grant Fund for protecting endangered animal species
Grant program for transforming women’s lives for hard to fund projects
Seed Funding for Youth-led Organisations: Invitation to Submit Proposals
Grant Opportunity to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 and Future Pandemics
Development of innovative WT-technologies and services that help elderly and persons with disabilities to become more independent and reliant;
Development of WT-products, services and solutions that help meeting the social and health challenges of the ageing society;
Development of technological solutions mainly used by/support staff that deliver or carry out welfare services;
Eligibility Criteria
Eligible applicants: SMEs, as defined in the EU Recommendation 2003/3611, and large enterprises with no more than 25 % public ownership, established as legal persons in Bulgaria.
The Applicant must have been established for at least three fiscal years at the deadline for submission of project proposals.
Eligible partners: Any private or public entity, commercial or non-commercial or NGO established as a legal person in Norway or in Bulgaria.
For more information, visit https://www.innovasjonnorge.no/en/start-page/eea-norway-grants/Programmes/business-development/Bulgaria/welfare-technology-sgs/