Atos Senegal recruits a Country Sales

Atos Senegal hiring Country Sales.

Job description

Mission: Sell all or part of the portfolio from the Division to a defined list of Clients. Leverage client relationship to cross sell with other Divisions.

Responsibilities Overall: The Country Sales is dedicated to develop new business on the scope of the country

Scope: He is given a territory among the clients, by the Div. Sales Head, based on the GBU Sales Plan.

Go to market

Customer management

Required capabilities and certification

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Key tools, processes, and meetings

  • Account planning definition & execution
  • Rainbow bidding contribution & execution
  • Win workshops contribution & execution
  • BTIC session  and client Hackathons
  • 11–22–1 meetings with Sales Head Client & Client Manager
  • Quota monitoring & Pipeline updates through CRM and management reporting
  • Minutes of the Client Meetings
  • Offerings trainingsOfferings trainings & certifications& certifications
  • Leads the Innovation workshop processain responsibilities

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