Apply Now for United Way Community Grant 2021-2022 – U.S.
Deadline: 19-Feb-21
The Lakes Area United Way is seeking applications for its Community Grant 2021-2022 to mobilize the caring power of community by focusing on programs that support education, health, and financial stability in Crow Wing and Cass counties.
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Priority Areas
Education: Helping People Achieve Their Potential through Education
Helping children enter school developmentally on track and ready to succeed.
Key initiatives improving access to educational opportunities.
Educational growth opportunities, including literacy.
Support high-quality child care, after-school programs, healthy habits, and mentoring.
Support all levels of educational opportunities from young to elderly.
Income: Promoting Financial Stability and Independence
Helping families move toward financial independence.
Helping increase income levels.
Increasing accessible financial education resources.
Increasing financial literacy and stability.
Helping stabilize families and helping them to succeed in the workforce.
Health: Working to Ensure Everyone Has Access to Affordable and Quality Care
Support programs that increase health and wellness.
Access to basic health care and prevention programs.
Reduction of risky behaviors for both youth and adults.
Reduce and prevent child abuse and neglect.
Maternal health and infant well-being.
Eligibility Criteria
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Commandez MaintenantSuccessful applicants will meet the following minimum requirements:
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fundsforNGOs Premium Membership has been designed to help NGOs and development professionals to easily find grant information of their interest. We have multiple ways to help you identify the grants you seek. Unlimited search options, advanced filter search and customised listings are available for you. Premium Membership is now available at 50% discount. $49.99 per year only. Click here!
Operate as non-profit charitable: educational, civic, social welfare, or health service organization.
Operate under written Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws, other written documents or statutes that define the applicant’s purposes, membership, management and operation.
Operate on a non-discriminatory basis in employment, recruitment of volunteers and delivery of services.
Demonstrate effective program community impact, financial responsibility, and accountability.
Operate or provide service within Crow Wing and/or Cass counties in Minnesota.
Must have been in operation minimum of one year from time of application.
Certify that Lakes Area United Way funds and donations will be used in compliance with all applicable anti-terrorist financing and asset control laws, statutes and executive orders.
Funding must provide for services or activities that align with the Lakes Area United Ways priority areas of education, health, and/or financial stability
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