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An Opportunity for Organisations to Promote Equality between Women and Men in Slovakia

An Opportunity for Organisations to Promote Equality between Women and Men in Slovakia

Deadline: 15 October 2019

The Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic as the Programme Operator for the Domestic and Gender-based Violence Programme has launched the Open Call on Support of organisations promoting equality between women and men and work life balance.

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The main ambition of this Call is support and networking of organisations promoting equality between women and men and work-life balance in order to increase the understanding of the importance of the equality between women and men in the society.

Expected Outcomes

  • Understanding of gender equality increased;
  • Measures targeting education and awareness-raising activities in the field of gender equality implemented.

Funding Information

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  • Minimum grant  up to EUR 100,000;
  • Maximum grant up to EUR 200,000;
  • Total allocation up to EUR 1,440,000.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Any entity, public or private, commercial or non-commercial and nongovernmental organisations, established as a legal person in Slovakia.

Eligible Activities

The project grant can be used for the following activities:

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  • Promotion of participation of women in decision-making (political and economic);
    • Efforts to promote women’s full and effective leadership and political participation at alllevels of decision-making and in all spheres of life, or to shift social norms and practices towardgreater respect for and enjoyment of women’s equal right;
    • Efforts to expand women’s equal opportunities to access and control economic
      resources, promote women’s sustainable entrepreneurship, access to decent work and equal pay,and shared responsibility within the household;
  • Combating negative stereotypes against women and men in public and private life; – e.g. tackling negative attitudes and stereotypes with regard to care, sexism in media etc.
  • Promoting dignity and bodily integrity of women and men;
  • Providing targeted training for schools and teachers on the topic of work-life balance;
  • Networking for awareness-raising on gender equality and tackling the discussion on “gender ideology”.

Selection Criteria

Priority shall be given to:

  • Projects implemented by institutions/experts with a relevant track record;
  • Projects supporting institutions active in the field of gender equality with long-term experience and key position in the implementation of project;
  • Projects providing lectures in more schools in more districts;
  • Projects providing lectures at more schools with high representation of Roma students or pupils;
  • Projects that aim to actively involve diverse stakeholders;
  • Projects that are sustainable and innovative and have already been consulted with the responsible representatives;
  • Project covering several eligible activities and measures, ideally with high synergic effects;
  • Projects to be implemented in partnership with entities from Norway.

Eligible Country: Slovakia

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How to Apply

Project Application shall be prepared in English and submitted electronically via given website.


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