Amplify Arts Indigenous American Artist Support Grant – U.S.
Deadline: 15-Feb-21
The Amplify Arts is seeking applications for its Indigenous American Artist Support Grant which is an unrestricted award, granted by an external jury of culture workers and community members, to an individual, collective, or collaborative duo making outstanding work in any discipline.
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Early Grant Information for NGOs
Amplify Arts promotes unity, innovation, and progress in the arts to build strong and vibrant communities. The Grants Program is designed to give artists a platform to experiment, develop new audiences, and create and share work outside the confines of larger institutional systems.
Funding Information
Up to $5,000
Eligibility Criteria
Small Grants to conserve the Forest for Sustainable Development
Joint Call for addressing Human Rights Issues and promoting Peace
Funding Call for NGO Projects that strive to make a Social Impact
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Turn your Environmental Project Idea into a Reality with up to €10.000 Grants: Apply Now
USD 1 MILLION Grants for Innovative Solutions to combat Water Scarcity
Climate Fund to alleviate energy poverty in Developing Countries
This Request for Applications is open to strengthening the Economic Development Efforts
Grants for African CSOs to implement activities in SGBV, SRHR, HP, and VAWG
Small Research Grants for the improvement of education
This grant-making trust inviting Charities to help Socially Disadvantaged Groups during COVID-19
Support available for NGOs working on social innovation, inclusiveness and sustainability
Advocacy grants to strengthen the voice of communities and grassroots activists
USD $250,000 to $2 million funding available for each selected partner to address Covid-19 impact in select countries
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Commandez MaintenantFunding provided through capital support for community development projects
Any applicant who claims Native North, Central or South American ancestry and maintains a residence within the Omaha Metro Area including Washington, Douglas, Cass, Sarpy, and Saunders counties in Nebraska, and Pottawattamie, Mills, and Harrison counties in Iowa is eligible to apply.
Applicants must be at least 21 years old and not enrolled in a degree-seeking program by January 1, 2021. An undergraduate or graduate degree is not required to apply for this grant. Applicants who have received past support from Amplify in the form of an Artist Support Grant or Public Impact Grant must wait one year after their grant term has ended to reapply. This does not include Micro or Generator Grant recipients or current and past members of the Alternate Currents Working Group, Culture Work Fellows, or those who have participated in other Amplify programs.
Applications submitted by, or in partnership with, other 501(c)3 non-profit organizations or fiscal sponsors will not be considered.
For collaborative groups:
Artist collectives, collaborative groups, and duos, are eligible if:
At least one member of the group meet the eligibility requirements outlined above.
The primary creative output of each member of the group is generated within the group, not as an individual.
Members of the group are committed to working on a deeply collaborative level to advance the goals of the group, rather than those of the individuals within the group.
The group is not incorporated into a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Collaborative groups should submit a group resume and discuss the nature and duration of the collaboration in the artist statement.
Selection Criteria
Artist Statement demonstrates commitment to fostering critical discourse in contemporary art practice.
Impact Statement articulates the potential of the grant to impact future work and advance artistic career goals.
Work Sample illustrates commitment to expanding the parameters of contemporary art practice in new and innovative ways.
For more information, visit