American Savings Foundation announces Grants Program

American Savings Foundation announces Grants Program

Deadline: 22-Jul-21

The American Savings Foundation is pleased to announce its Grants Program, it is a broad-based funder with a special emphasis on the needs of children, youth, and families.

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The three priority areas are education, human services, and arts & culture. With a primary focus in New Britain and Waterbury, program grants support direct services where the funding can make a measurable impact, especially for those with the greatest need.

The Foundation considers support for established programs that have been demonstrated to make a meaningful difference in the community and in the lives of those they serve. They also consider funding for new, innovative programs that fill an unmet need in the community, and where there is evidence of broad local support. They are interested in funding collaborative programs, and also in providing matching funds to leverage new dollars into the community.

SDG Funding of $20,000 is available for Women Empowerment and Gender Equality

Dutch Organisation giving grants to strengthen the skills of Women and Young Girls

This call is open to fund Projects with a Social Impact: Apply Now!

Funding Schemes for Large and Small-scale Projects helping to tackle Climate Change

Core Support Grants for Feminist Groups and Initiatives

Youth Initiative to enhance Peace and Security and Improve Democratic Governance in Africa

NGO Grants to advance Maternal, Child Health and HIV/AIDS Outcomes

Faith-based Foundation Funding for Construction Projects and Purchase of Books, Computers, Vehicles and Medical Equipment

Human Rights Grant Oppportunity ($200,000 CAD and $500,000 CAD) for LGBTQ2I Communities

International Funding for Cultural Heritage Preservation Projects

Small Grants to conserve the Forest for Sustainable Development

Joint Call for addressing Human Rights Issues and promoting Peace

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Funding Call for NGO Projects that strive to make a Social Impact

Turn your Environmental Project Idea into a Reality with up to €10.000 Grants: Apply Now

Turn your Environmental Project Idea into a Reality with up to €10.000 Grants: Apply Now

With very few exceptions, they do not fund:

General operating support or unrestricted grants.
Primary or secondary schools—public, private independent, or parochial—or colleges and universities.
Funding to replace municipal, state or federal funding.
Ineligible Funding

Political advocacy and lobbying.
Religious institutions, except for non-sectarian activities that benefit the community-at-large.
Annual campaigns.
Endowment funds.
Travel (e.g. sports teams, field trips).
Event sponsorships (e.g. golf, galas).
Private Foundations.
Eligibility Criteria

5 Steps to Fundraising Success for Small and Grassroots NGOs

How to Write Proposals on Projects Addressing Climate Change

How to conduct Successful Donor Meetings?

How to Organize Nonprofit Fundraising Events?

Turn your Environmental Project Idea into a Reality with up to €10.000 Grants: Apply Now

How can Short Concept Notes attract Large Funding

How to Plan and Prepare the Budget for a USAID Project Proposal

The fundsforNGOs Guide for NGOs on Corporate Social Responsibility

Top Upcoming Grants for NGOs in 2021 (South Africa)

How to assess Your NGO using the USAID’s Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) Tool

Top Upcoming Grants for NGOs in 2021 (Uganda)

Top Upcoming Grants for NGOs in 2021 (Nigeria)

Top Upcoming Grants for NGOs in 2021 (Kenya)

The Best Upcoming Global Grant Opportunities for NGOs in 2021

Top Upcoming Grants for NGOs in 2021 (India)

Organizations must be tax-exempt under IRS section 501(c)(3).
For more information, visit

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