ACTED recruits 01 Project Development InternACTEDSince 1993, as an international non-governmental organization, ACTED has been committed to immediate humanitarian relief to support those in urgent need and protect people’s dignity, while co-creating longer term opportunities for sustainable growth and fulfilling people’s potential. ACTED endeavors to respond to humanitarian crises and build resilience; promote inclusive and sustainable growth; co-construct effective governance and support the building of civil society worldwide by investing in people and their potential. We go the last mile: ACTED’s mission is to save lives and support people in meeting their needs in hard to reach areas. With a team of 4,600 national staff 400 international staff, ACTED is active in 37 countries and implements more than 500 projects a year reaching over 14 million beneficiaries. ACTED IraqSince 2003, ACTED has been working in Iraq to provide humanitarian support to vulnerable populations through a multi-sectoral response to the Syrian refugee crisis and the Iraqi mass displacement challenges. ACTED teams in Iraq implement a comprehensive response ranging from emergency and camp management activities to reconstruction, stabilization, and resilience programmes across 15 governorates. You will be in charge of1. Grant Management
2. Internal Coordination
3. External Communication 🚀Annonces pour Nos Partenaires !Créez votre site web professionnel à un prix imbattable avec 3Vision-Group. Découvrez l'OffreCommandez une application mobile sur mesure et transformez vos idées en réalité ! Commandez MaintenantContribute to ACTED external communication strategy by feeding regularly ACTED HQ Communication Department with informal updates on projects, a flash news, pictures, articles on projects progress and/or specific events for ACTED communication tools, including, but not limited to, ACTED Newsletter, websites and ACTED Annual Report, 4. Fundraising
Ville | Erbil |
Expériences / Formation du candidat |
Experience | 0 à 3 ans |
Fonctions | Autre |
Secteurs d’activité | Autre |
Pays | Moyen Orient, Irak |
Salaire / Indemnité |
Comment postuler |
Date de fin de validité | 10/10/2019 |
ACTED recruits 01 Project Development Intern

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