ACTED recruits 01 Deputy Area Coordinator

ACTED recruits 01 Deputy Area Coordinator


Since 1993, as an international non-governmental organization, ACTED has been committed to immediate humanitarian relief to support those in urgent need and protect people’s dignity, while co-creating longer term opportunities for sustainable growth and fulfilling people’s potential.

ACTED endeavors to respond to humanitarian crises and build resilience; promote inclusive and sustainable growth; co-construct effective governance and support the building of civil society worldwide by investing in people and their potential.

We go the last mile: ACTED’s mission is to save lives and support people in meeting their needs in hard to reach areas. With a team of 4,600 national staff 400 international staff, ACTED is active in 37 countries and implements more than 500 projects a year reaching over 14 million beneficiaries.


Since 2012, ACTED has been implementing projects with vulnerable communities in Syria with a two-fold approach: ACTED provides life-saving support to vulnerable displaced persons, returnees, and host communities across Syria, through multi-sectorial rapid emergency services, and implements a wide range of resilience building interventions. Thus, ACTED has been able to strengthen its links with Syrian local communities and to develop an in-depth knowledge of local dynamics. A team of 900+ is currently working in Syria, with a coordination office in Amman.

You will be in charge of

1. Positioning

Context analysis:

  • Support thr AC to analyse the area’s socio-economic situation, (donor) trends, needs and gaps;
  • Regularly conduct stakeholder analysis, in particular who does what and where (3W) in the area.

Strategy Implementation: Provide support in the implemetation of ACTED’s coutry program strategy in the area identifying strategic opportunities for expanding ACTED’s work in the area, and in particular :

  • Support in the identification of new opportunities and new sectors of intervention;
  • Assist in consolidating and stabilizing programming;
  • Review the geographic and thematic footprint;
  • Ensure activities are relevant and meeting area/beneficiary needs;
  • Identify ACTED added-value;
  • Ensure humanitarian principals are adhered to;
  • Contribute to identifying new donors, private sector partners, national and international NGOs, think tanks, academia, etc. to work with in the area based on complementarity and added value;.

Networking, positioning and general representation:

  • When requested, participate in donor meetings at area level and communicate relevant information to the Country Director and other relevant staff;
  • Maintain active and regular working relationships with other NGOs, UN agencies, clusters, working groups, consortia, etc. at area level ensuring maximum visibility of ACTED
  • Maintain active and regular working relationships with local authorities and where necessary non-state actors and obtain required authorizations and buy-in for ACTED’s activities at area level
  • When requested, represent ACTED in key clusters, working groups, NGO coordination bodies, etc. at area level

Proposal development:

  • Support the Project Development Department in proposal conceptualisation (problem statement, logframe) within the framework of the country, regional and global strategy
  • Contribute to budget design ensure budget needs at area level have been taken into consideration

Advocacy: Contribute to drafting issues papers, advocacy notes, press releases on relevant humanitarian and development issues in the area of operation

2. Management and Internal Coordination

Staff Management:

  • Help staff in the area to perform their roles and responsibilities related to area operations and link with the capital Head of Departments
  • Promote team building, productivity and staff welfare
  • Mentor and support the team to build capacities, and improve efficiency and performance, and follow career management
  • Support the AC to manage interpersonal conflicts among staff at area level

Internal Coordination:

  • Facilitate interdepartmental communication and information sharing for a positive working environment
  • Implement ACTED coordination mechanism at area level (WAM, MAR, FLAT meeting, etc.)

3. Project Implementation Follow-up

Project Implementation Tracking :

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Commandez Maintenant
  • Support Project Managers in project implementation through trouble shooting and eliminating blocking points
  • Monitor output achievement, cash burn rates and ensure a time completion of projects through review of PMFs, BFUs and project reports
  • Ensure that relevant project information are up-to-date and available for reporting purposes

Project Quality Control:

  • Ensure the application of a practical field based M&E system/plan for each project
  • Conduct frequent field visits to project sites to assess activities and ensure efficient use of resources
  • Help Project Managers to adapt projects according to monitoring and evaluation findings
  • Ensure beneficiary feedback mechanisms are in place
  • Support with the documentation of best practices and lessons learnt for projects in the area of operations.

Partner Management:

  • Identify potential local partners in the area based on an assessment of complementarity and added value
  • Provide support to partners in project implementation and ensure timely and qualitative implementation of projects by partners in line with ACTED and donor requirements

4. FLATS Management

Finance Management:

  • Support in the management of project budgets at area level to avoid under/over spending
  • Help with budget forecasting
  • Ensure timely and accurate area finance TITANIC reporting

Logistics & IT Management:

  • Support the timely procurement and adherence to rules of origin and nationality at area level
  • Ensure quality supply management at area level
  • Ensure proper asset management at area level and enforce asset investment policy
  • Ensure proper stock management at area level
  • Ensure proper IT systems, data back-up and protection from malware at area level
  • Ensure sufficient and reliable means of communication at area level
  • Ensure timely and accurate area logistics TITANIC reporting

Administration and HR Management:

  • Oversee transparent and timely recruitment of national staff and contribute to international staff recruitment upon capital request
  • Ensure regular performance appraisal and career management for staff at area level
  • Ensure timely and accurate area HR TITANIC reporting
  • Ensure timely exit forms

Transparency/Compliance Management:

  • Minimize risk of fraud and corruption by ensuring adherence to ACTED FLATS procedures
  • Ensure that staff is aware of ACTED’s transparency and whistle blowing policy

Security Management :

  • Support the AC in the analysis of the security context at area level
  • Upon request, engage with relevant key stakeholders at area level to ensure access and support of interventions
  • Ensure the offices and houses conform to recommended security, health and safety standards
  • Ensure all staff in the area adhere to security procedures
  • Ensure security incidents at area level are promptly reported to the capital
Ville Raqqa
Expériences / Formation du candidat
  • University education in a relevant field such as international development, emergency operations, humanitarian programming, technical degree in camp management, or the like
  • Extensive project management experience (management, planning, staff development and training skills) in emergency and/or development programmes
  • Base management skills preferred
  • At least four years relevant work experience
  • Proven capabilities in leadership and management required
  • Ability to work well and punctually under pressure
  • Excellent skills in written and spoken English
  • Strong negotiation and interpersonal skills, and flexibility in cultural and organizational terms
  • Ability to work well and punctually under pressure
  • Knowledge of local language and/or regional experience an asset
Experience 0 à 3 ans
Fonctions Autre
Secteurs d’activité Gestion crise / post-crise, Migration
Pays Moyen Orient, Syrie
Salaire / Indemnité
  • Salary defined by the ACTED salary grid depending on education level, expertise, security level and experience
  • Living allowance of 300 USD
  • Lodging and food provided in the ACTED Guesthouse / or housing allowance (depending on the contract lenght and country of assignement)
  • Flight tickets in and out + Visa taken in charge by ACTED
  • Provision of medical and repatriation insurances
Date de fin de validité 12/10/2019
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