Grants for Implementation and logistics support of a Police Athletic League in El Salvador

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Grants for Implementation and logistics support of a Police Athletic League .

Deadline: 15-Jun-22

The Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs of the U.S. Department of State announces an open competition for organizations to submit applications to carry out a project for “Implementation and logistics support of a Police Athletic League in El Salvador.”

The purpose of this project is to support El Salvador’s National Civilian Police (PNC) in the implementation of the Police Athletic League (PAL) program in El Salvador. The targeted population is at-risk youth in El Salvador between the ages of seven (7) and eighteen (18) who live in communities at high risk of violence and gang activity.

Goal 1: Reduce crime and violence perpetrated by youth ages seven (7) to eighteen (18) by engaging them in positive activities that improve their quality of life, develop their life skills, and offer the prospect of a better future through sports and activities.
Goal 2: Improve the relationship between law enforcement personnel and the communities they serve.
Goal 3: Increase the capacity of PNC’s prevention personnel to ensure program sustainability over time.
Objective 1: Expand the Police Athletic League in scope and scale by adding new disciplines and targeting at-risk youth ages seven (7) to eighteen (18) into 45 new municipalities.
Objective 2: Provide administrative and logistical support, including materials and resources, for PAL in the existing 139 municipalities (+15,000 kids) and in new municipalities as the program grows.
Objective 3: Perform monitoring and evaluation activities in each participating program through the PNC Delegations to ensure continued improvement and implementation of best practices.
Objective 4: Provide motivational activities for youth and instructors through competitions and annual conferences. Recognize outstanding talent throughout the program.
Objective 5: Within the first eight months of award, have an established mechanism for PAL beneficiaries to give back to the cities they live in through community service projects.
Objective 6: Within three years of award, have an established system for private sector participation and contribution towards program sustainability and career/job opportunities for actively or formerly enrolled kids.
Funding Information
Award Ceiling: $3,700,000
Award Floor: $3,000,000
Priority Region/Countries: Priority country is El Salvador. There are currently 139 municipalities participating in the program and with this cooperative agreement the program should expand to 184 municipalities (32% increase).

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Eligibility Criteria
The following organizations are eligible to apply:

Foreign-based non-profits/non-governmental organizations (NGOs);
Applicants must also meet the following requirements to be eligible to apply to this NOFO:
Prove prior experience of similar programs/projects in El Salvador.
For more information, visit

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