American Rescue Plan Act Artist Grant in the US

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American Rescue Plan Act Artist Grant in the US

Deadline: 21-Apr-22

The Montana Arts Council is seeking applications for its American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Artist Grant to provide funds to Montana-based individual artists and artist collectives to carry out specific projects and activities.

Funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) through the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), funds are dedicated to supporting presentations, performances, workshops, research, and/or the creation of artwork.

Funding Information

Award amounts range from $2,500 to $10,000.
Awards will be paid in two disbursements: half upon signing the grant agreement and half upon approval of the final report. No match is required.
A project can be fully funded with the award.
Eligibility Criteria

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Commandez Maintenant

Montana residents with at least 12 months of residency
At least 18 years of age
Legal U.S. residents
Groups of artists, or artist collectives, are represented by an individual meeting the residency criteria. Group applicants are eligible for only one award. Each artist within the group must consent to be part of the application; however, only one person should act as the lead applicant. Note: any tax implications for a group application will fall on the lead applicant.
Ineligible Criteria

High School students and degree-seeking college students (graduate or undergraduate) and non-degree seeking students receiving college credit for the proposed activity
Montana Arts Council staff or members of its governing body, or anyone connected to them by one degree of relationship
Individuals with delinquent MAC final grant reports
For more information, visit

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