Call for Proposals: Public Service Delivery Support Grant Program (Georgia)

Call for Proposals: Public Service Delivery Support Grant Program (Georgia)

Deadline: 28-Jun-21

UNDP is calling for proposals for the Public Service Delivery Support Grant Program to support the generation of initiatives that contribute to the smooth, effective and timely implementation of ongoing Public Administration Reform, and in particular, its Service Delivery area.

Open Call for Young Leaders advancing SRHR. Deadline to apply: 15 July 2021

Human Rights Initiative for supporting Women ($20,000 Grants). Deadline to apply: 1 September 2021

Top Dutch Donors that fund internationally to improve livelihoods in communities

One-time Microgrant for NGO Projects that generate Social Impact. Deadline to apply: 30 June 2021

$15,000-$25,000 Funding for Women and Children living in Extreme Poverty. Deadline to apply: 31 July 2021

Seed Grant for Grassroots Organizations and Women-led Initiatives. Deadline to apply: 31 July 2021

Grants to support NGOs working to end the HIV Epidemic. Deadline to apply: 30 June 2021

Fellows will receive Project and Connect Fund to address Water-related Issues

Apply for Project Funding in areas of Art and Culture (Arab Region)

This Call is offering Seed Money to Research Projects in Africa

Global Humanitarian Initiative seeks applications from anywhere in the world

Unrestricted Grants for improving Health Equity and reducing Health Disparities among Vulnerable Communities

New funding for Small NGOs to fight Infectious Diseases

Grants for Innovative Projects to improve Humanitarian Response

Call for empowering Social Entrepreneurs that are working to achieve the SDGs

To this end, UNDP intends to:

Build a strong CSO network focusing on the implementation and monitoring of PAR and its service delivery area in particular;
Facilitate lasting partnership between the government and civil society organizations;
Enhance the role of the civil society in the PAR process;
Encourage the flow of the best, innovative international practices in the context of service delivery;
Encourage stronger linkages of the PAR related initiatives with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, especially Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 (Peace, Justice, Strong Institutions) and with Open Government Partnership (OGP) key values and principles, focusing inter alia on co-creation, citizen engagement, transparency and innovations in public service delivery.
Funding Information

The maximum amount allocated for the grant is USD 20,000. Proposals with the project staff salary costs exceeding 25% of the total budget will be disqualified without further consideration. Co-funding and in-house contributions are strongly encouraged.

Open Call for Young Leaders advancing SRHR. Deadline to apply: 15 July 2021

Human Rights Initiative for supporting Women ($20,000 Grants). Deadline to apply: 1 September 2021

Top Dutch Donors that fund internationally to improve livelihoods in communities

One-time Microgrant for NGO Projects that generate Social Impact. Deadline to apply: 30 June 2021

$15,000-$25,000 Funding for Women and Children living in Extreme Poverty. Deadline to apply: 31 July 2021

Seed Grant for Grassroots Organizations and Women-led Initiatives. Deadline to apply: 31 July 2021

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Grants to support NGOs working to end the HIV Epidemic. Deadline to apply: 30 June 2021

Fellows will receive Project and Connect Fund to address Water-related Issues

Apply for Project Funding in areas of Art and Culture (Arab Region)

This Call is offering Seed Money to Research Projects in Africa

Global Humanitarian Initiative seeks applications from anywhere in the world

Unrestricted Grants for improving Health Equity and reducing Health Disparities among Vulnerable Communities

New funding for Small NGOs to fight Infectious Diseases

Grants for Innovative Projects to improve Humanitarian Response

Call for empowering Social Entrepreneurs that are working to achieve the SDGs

Areas of Intervention

The proposals should focus on public service design and/or delivery area. In particular, the grant aims to support public service delivery organizations make their service design and/or delivery processes more participatory. Proposals should focus on helping public service delivery organizations develop/strengthen institutionalized tools and procedures to engage the wider public, including women and underrepresented groups in needs identification and feedback collection in regard to the services they offer/might offer in the future. Applicants are encouraged to seek partner public service delivery agencies and discuss with them the kind of support they wish to deliver prior to submitting proposals.

Eligibility Criteria

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Non-profit organizations (civil society organizations; think tanks; educational institutions, including public universities, training institutions; etc.) that have at least four years of proven experience in project management, policy research and analysis, and/or service delivery. Experience of managing of projects with comparable budget size within the last two years will be considered as an asset. Organizations should be registered in accordance with the legal requirements of the Government of Georgia and must be able to provide organization’s statute along with the debt certificate upon request.
Although, not mandatory, CSOs are welcome to submit proposals as coalitions. In this case, the main applicants must provide support letters from relevant coapplicants specifying the role of the co-applicant. In case of a coalition, the main applicant shall have at least four years of proven experience in project management, policy research and analysis, and/or service delivery, whereas coapplicants shall have at least two years of proven experience in similar areas.
For more information, visit

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