L’OCCITANE Foundation launches Call for Projects to Preserve Biodiversity

L’OCCITANE Foundation launches Call for Projects to Preserve Biodiversity

Deadline: 28-Feb-21

The L’OCCITANE Foundation is launching a call for projects to preserve biodiversity and encourages L’OCCITANE subsidiaries around the world to identify and support local associations carrying out reforestation or agroforestry projects.

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These projects are co-financed by the L’OCCITANE subsidiaries and by the foundation. The foundation will double the funds granted by L’OCCITANE subsidiaries.

Sensible sustainable thinking is at the heart of L’OCCITANE. Since its creation in 1976, it is firmly committed to reducing its environmental impact throughout the entire value chain and has devoted company resources to respecting the biodiversity in the South of France and Burkina Faso.

The L’OCCITANE’s sustainable ingredients department and its Foundation, created in 2006, have been actively involved in conserving local plant species and establishing long-term partnerships with producers based on shared values, as well as using local supply channels, preserving traditional skills, and supporting local communities.

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Funding Information

Within the limit of € 5,000 or € 10,000 depending on the country.
Eligibility Criteria

The project must be carried by a body of general interest;
The project must focus on respecting biodiversity (planting trees for the conservation of endangered varieties, reforestation of degraded ecosystems, and/or agroforestry practices);
The impact of the project must be measurable. The number of trees planted and varieties protected thanks to the support of L’OCCITANE are essential elements;
The financial and environmental sustainability of the project will be carefully studied;
Location (in order to facilitate relations with the local L’OCCITANE subsidiary):
The project must take place in a country where L’OCCITANE has a subsidiary;
The association supporting the project and requesting funds has its office in one of the countries where L’OCCITANE has a subsidiary.
How to Apply?

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If all the eligibility criteria are validated:

Contact the subsidiary of L’OCCITANE located in your country*, or where the project is taking place, in order to present your structure and project.
If the local subsidiary confirms its wish to support you, complete together, the application form.
Application deadline (the subsidiary must send the application to the foundation): February 28, 2021.
Announcement of the selected projects and signature of the legal agreements: starting April 2021.
If you are unable to contact the local L’OCCITANE branch, you can contact them. The call for projects being based on the commitment of a local subsidiary, the probability that your project is selected will be very low if you apply directly, without the accompaniment of a subsidiary company.

For more information, visit https://fondation.loccitane.com/2021-2022-call-for-projects-0

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